
SheFi Manifesto


How would the goddess organize our world? Goddesses have no interest in centralized systems of power. Trust belongs in the hands of each and every one of us, not in the hands of giant centralized institutions. Wealth, and its transfer, finance and its benefits can be executed peer to peer and in distributed markets. This is the gift the goddesses have given us. It is the gift of a new world, free of patriarchal control over our money and our lives, and a world in which we control and share our own wealth, friend to friend and sister to sister.

Polish Women’s Strike


Since the abortion ban, thousands of women have taken to the streets. Polish feminists and Polish human rights organizations are fighting back. Protests against the tightening of the abortion law continue in Poland, and internationally.

DeFiFem: Moon Goddess of Cryptocurrency


The AI dispassionately informs you that you violated the terms of service by posting nudity, or using bots. But often, you did not do any of it, and you still get blocked – unexplained, mysterious rejection by the panopticon, acting as a fortress of moral conduct and internet laws. The concept of panopticon is seemingly reaching its final stage of evolution and totality through the controlled internet structures: hierarchical and centralized monopoly of the tech giants… And here is where our fight begins!



Claire Zakiewicz reviews New Adventures by Habib William Kherbek, published by, Berlin, and available to download as an ebook: Hilarious, absorbing and…

Aries Full Moon. The Warrior Star.


The stars of Uttarabhadrapada bring us blessed and forgiving energies, signs of an accomplished yogi who through self sacrifice in form of seclusion or renunciation attained a spiritual level of virtuosity within its pure heart.

Psilocybin (The Sediments of Sentiments)


Cradled in the fertile ground, I observed that the colours around me had begun to glisten, growing bright as time elongated. The soil seemed to be teeming and humming like a swarm of minute insects.