Rituals for the Aquarian foreplay. Pranic Prayer.

We emerged from the ripples of the interstellar dust, and we have the power within our conscious, subconscious and physical being to cause waves across the Milky Way. We are part of this limitless consciousness.

by Agni Jnana Yannanda

If you read my astral updates you possess (have accessed) the knowledge of planetary alignments; however, to actively integrate it into your life you will need to feel it in your body and soul – the knowledge needs to reach your conscious and subconscious being – turning the knowing into becoming.

One of the ways to activate the energy of the planetary alignments is a practice I developed called Pranic Prayer or Star Prayer. I encourage you to connect with the planets, and celestial objects, locate them in the sky through one of the apps, and feel into the cosmic energy. The planetary light will descend onto you, even if you may not see it at first, the connection between us and the Universe is the essence of our species. We emerged from the ripples of the interstellar dust, and we have the power within our conscious, subconscious and physical being to cause waves across the Milky Way. We are part of this limitless consciousness.

Those who have experienced my rituals in person will know that to reach to the stars we first need to ground. Stand tall, spread your feet, bend your knees, lower your hips and see yourself being rooted deeply, connecting to the earth center. Feel your root chakra, see the red light coming from the center of the earth into your body and use this energy to make the sound “RA” vibrating through your tongue, mouth wide open, the tongue sticking out as if it was to touch your chin. Hands spread parallel to your legs, with the thumb – the fire, Leo – touching the index finger – the air, Aquarius. The sound activates your throat chakra and connects a circuit of energy through your spine, from your throat to your root, activating the Sacral, Solar Plexus and Heart, coming out of your mouth and from the tip of the tongue connecting again with the Root as you keep on repeating the “RA” sound. 

When you are ready, rise up, facing the Moon Goddess and then practice these three steps. Bring your hands towards your center, at the height of your heart, palms touching each other, legs close together; feel comfortable and balanced.

Breath. Inhale, lowering your head while the air travels through your nostrils, ribs to your stomach, your root, and then exhale from your stomach, ribs, mouth, head rising towards the Moon.

Take your time, focus on your breath, be aware of the energy of the Moon. Be aware of the energy of the Leo Moon. Now repeat slowly 3 times:

The true self of the heart joyfully manifests itself in this world. 

You can add your own prayer, including intentions that you want to see come true. It’s always best to work with the universe, so include the intentions relating to the area where the Leo Moon resides in your chart. For me it is in my 10th house relating to the career and public standing, thus my intentions: 

“My true self shines through my work, which is the true expression of my heart desires” or “My work reflects my soul’s purpose” or “All mighty universe I am ready to embrace the abundance and generosity, I am ready for the new opportunities to expand my work and life path”. 

Those are examples which should give you an idea of the infinite potential within the cosmos. 

Let your prayer sit in your heart as your breath creates a circuit of energy between your heart and your hands. When you are ready, raise your hands high above your head, palms facing each other, legs close together. Feel comfortable and tall. Your intentions carried from the heart towards the Moon Goddess, your hands cradling the energy and opening up towards the cosmos. Head facing the Moon, send your prayers towards the stars; at the same time feel the energy of the stars entering you. Breath. Widen your arms to create a semicircle with the Moon above you, including the planet Mars, activating energy. Feel the pull of the cosmic forces and the energy circuit now extending from the universe into your body through the fingertips. The cosmic mana, chi, prana, elan, stars’ radiance is entering your body and soul. Breathe it in. Be in the flow. Inhale and exhale, feel the energy cleansing your whole being and energizing you. Repeat the intention for the Leo Full Moon:
The true self of the heart joyfully manifests itself in this world. 

You can keep your eyes ope. If you are able to see the star light entering your body, rejoice. If not, visualize rays of cosmic energy entering your body through the fingertips. It helps to be aware of the planetary positions* and calibrate your body to fully express your intentions. Absorb the Mars energy to activate, and absorb the Venus energy to heal and augment the love and joy. Open up your heart to the Moon and let your true self shine, rise, and thrive…

Breath inside the astral rhythm. Meditate on the cosmic light. 

When you are ready, slowly lower your hands to your sides, and fold down your spine thanking the sky and pouring the excess of the energy into the earth. Relax, sit or stand, whatever feels comfortable and notice how joyful, playful, rejuvenated, unweighted, and energized your body and soul become. Smile, and welcome your new reality. 

Leo Full Moon, January 28th astral update:

Leo is one of the 3 classical archetypes of The Leader, the other two are Aries and Capricorn. Leo is the one who leads by shining the light onto others, Leo’s charisma helps those around to discover their own talents. Look at the planets you have in the Leo part of your chart: the sign, and the 5th house, and reflect on how you can express this archetype in a pure, elevating way. Raising your vibration and facilitating the expansion of love and kindness is your spiritual gift and vocation.

With Cosmic Light,

Agni Jnana Yannanda
The One Who Speaks With The Stars