February 11th, 2:05pm EST
Sun & Moon on 23 degrees 16 minutes of Aquarius
by Agni Jnana Yannanda
featured image: Dane Rudyard, Creative Man, 1947
Live in alignment
In astrofeminism that follows the rhythms of our planet Earth and her satellite La Luna, New Moons symbolize a new lunar cycle, and an opportunity to start new projects and to find the new layers of energy within to inspire you towards becoming a more authentic self. Actualizing your dreams, hopes and aspirations align with the powerful energies of SheUniverse bringing potentialities through the creative soul work.

Awaken to your truth
This new lunar cycle begins on February 11th, exact at 2:05pm EST. The Sun and the Moon on 23 degrees and 16 minutes of Aquarius emerging from a fun and trippy journey through Aquarius and its current inhabitants: Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Pallas Athena. The ruler of this New Moon, Uranus is currently transiting through Taurus shifting our value systems, and bringing innovations into the area of banking, cryptocurrency, green energy, and in general all Venusian areas of life that includes changes in attitudes towards the traditional relationships, and stereotypes held for centuries.
Uranus is about the paradigm shift, changing your mind, sudden shifts in perspective or awareness that are cerebral intellectual in their nature but they change everything, Uranus, and therefore also Aquarius is the breaker of thought frames. The Aquarian archetypes can act as an activation so ask yourself what can you initiate using the power of the lunar cycle to shift your reality?
This New Moon is rich, multilayered, and high in vibrational qualities. Don’t be surprised if the energy it awakens resembles more of the Full Moon… With the Taurus planets: Uranus, the ruler of this New Moon, Mars and Black Moon Lilith squaring the super stellium of Aquarius, the Aquarian Portal is open, channeling your divine and shadow sides at once. Do you blow up or do you travel astrally to see yourself through the rainbow prism of all your past and future incarnations to transmute the karma? Perhaps a little bit of both. The symbolic language of the collective consciousness floods in with all the light and insights, offering you a glimpse into the complete reversal of your ordinary consciousness.
Light of Sahasrara
Aquarius is connected to the crown chakra, Sahasrara, the lightest, most spiritual, and the highest of the seven chakras. Sahasrara in Sanskrit means “thousandfold” and is represented by a thousand-petaled lotus, the symbol of purity and spirituality. The number 1000 is not meant literally, it implies the infinite nature of this chakra, which provides us with our most direct connection with the Divine.
Sahasrara opens us to the Cosmic Consciousness facilitating communion with the Divine, The Source, Queen of Heavens, Great Mother Creatrix of All Things.
Let all the light and insights flood in
With all the Aquarian energies during this new moon, you can easily attune to the feeling of being One with the Universe, while also experiencing a sense of your own divinity, the awareness that you are a soul in a human body.
Chanting “OM” helps you awaken your Crown Chakra, so listen to the Sahasrara chakra meditation while you are reading this text, then close your eyes and allow the crystal purple light and the mantra to transcend your form.
Sahasrara mantra meditation:
Om sahasra-dala-padma-sthaayei namaha
ऊँ सहस्रदलपद्मस्थायै नमः
For an Astro Pop Trance vibe tune into CREATRIX Magazine’s New Moon in Aquarius playlist compiled by Sarah Penello:
The Aquarian energies are historically high! Saturn and Jupiter moved to the Water Bearer last December and conjuncted on December 21st, they are still connected, even if the distance between them is growing. Currently they are 6 degrees apart: Saturn at 6 degrees and Jupiter at 12 of Aquarius. We will be under the spell of Saturn and Jupiter for the rest of the year (check your own chart to see which area of life is being affected, and when it is activated). In the long term whichever structures you have created & initiated in December, January and February will serve you for another 20 years. This is an important time of building for the future so harness the energies of this New Moon and reach for the stars! The Aquarian Portal is open offering us a glimpse into the fifth dimension.
To understand the meaning of this long term transit, read my article on the Great Conjunction:
Amongst the myriads of the Uranian archetypes are the Paradigm-Shifter, The Rebel, the Force For Change, the Inventor, the Idealist, and the Genius. There is also a powerful female archetype of UrAna, the Queen of Heavens which you can read about in my article UrAna, The Prophetess:
This auspicious New Moon also marks the beginning of the LUNAR NEW YEAR OF THE METAL OX! FEMININE POWER OF YIN IS UPON US! As the Uranus is transiting through the sign of Taurus, the earthy feminine energy will guide and nurture us.

With Cosmic Light,
Agni Jnana Yannanda
The One Who Speaks With The Stars