Aquarius Season Playlist

by Sarah Penello 
Featured artwork Tranquil Lotus, a drawing by Baruska A Michalcikova

Aquarius, the eleventh sign of the zodiac, is named for Ganymede, the Earth-born interstellar cupbearer to the Gods.  In Greek Mythology, the beauty of Ganymede was such that Zeus instantly fell in love with him and whisked him away to Mount Olympus.  Later, Zeus granted Ganymede the ability to bring rainwater to the people of the Earth, sending him to live among the constellations.  

Aquarius, the water bearer, is often mistaken for a water sign, because of this relationship to the rain.  But rain actually originates in the heavens, where water floats upon the air, and then raindrops ride the wind before falling down to earth.

People born with their Sun in Aquarius have a reputation for being the space aliens of the zodiac.  They’re known for their openness to radical or revolutionary ideas, which may seem bizarre to others.

Rosa Parks and Abraham Lincoln were both born under an Aquarius Sun. Both were people whose actions recreated the world entirely.

In popular music, it’s easy to see how many Aquarians are giants of innovation, who massively changed the way we think about art.  Regardless of genre, Aquarius brings transformation.  

Where would hip-hop be without Rakim or Dr. Dre?  Megan Thee Stallion is relatively new to the world stage, but her very words are instant cultural phenomenons.  Rick James and Shakira both embody the Aquarian principle of transcending, rocketing from one reality to a totally different one.

Mozart is one of the best known, and most prolific, classical composers of all time.  He created over 600 works in his lifetime, which was only 35 years long.  How could he have done that unless he was receiving quantum downloads from other dimensions?

With this playlist, I’ve chosen songs that I feel embody the ethereal and Avant Garde nature of Sun in Aquarius.  

Every artist on this list was born when the Sun was in Aquarius, with the exception of SOPHIE, who died during this  Aquarius season of 2021.  Her music and spirit truly capture the paradigm-shaking nature of the water-bearer, and so I felt it was appropriate to include and honor her here.

The artists on this list are all so different from one another, but they all share the common thread of transforming popular music around them with their ideas.

May basking in the creative magic of all these Aquarian babes inspire you, and spark your connection to the divine.  May your channel be clear, and open to receive all the otherworldly wisdom that you need.  And so it is! 

About the author:

Sarah Penello is an artist, author, facilitator, priestess and witch.  She is a life-long student of the healing arts and plant medicine, a chef, a forager, and is amazing at spotting well camouflaged animals in the landscape.  She is a certified Ayurvedic practitioner and a Reiki Master, with nearly 10 years of experience.

In 2018, she co-founded The Church of the Cosmic Cunt, a mutable art collective that has hosted over 300 events, including parties, art shows, classes, ceremonies and workshops. She is devoted to reclaiming the sacred in the profane, cultivating pleasure and beauty in the places where we have been wounded, and living in a way that honors the sovereignty of all beings.  

In her art practice and kitchen witchery, this manifests as working creatively with the materials that present themselves- finding ways to be sustainably lavish and luxurious.  You can shop her wildcrafted plant products and botanically dyed garments at .