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Aquarius Full Moon. Cosmic Activation. July 23-24th 2021.

This Full Moon on the Leo / Aquarius axis creates opportunities to understand the symbols and cycles that govern our civilization. Sun opposition Moon opens up the Aquarian Portal, showing us a glimpse of what is possible if the ego and soul energies resolve the polarity: the individual and the collective, the personal and the universal.

Taurus New Moon May 11th. Creative life force.

With the Black Moon Lilith, the feminine power of the divine, creative life force, untamed and raw, conjunct the New Moon, we are called to unapologetically embrace the sensual and sexual aspects of life, activating all senses, and caring about well-being of the body.

Aries New Moon. Mystic Fire.

With Aries, a cardinal, fire sign ruled by Mars, we are experiencing a boost of energy helping us to take reality in stride. Through its pioneering, courageous, intense survival spirit, we are launched to fearlessly conquer the world. The element of fire represents divine inspiration and creativity. With the seven planets forming Aries stellium: Chiron, Mercury, Ceres, the Moon, the Sun, Eris, and Venus, the emphasis is on the experiential and instantaneous quality of Aries, encouraging us to be here now.

NEMETONA – Virtual Grove

To honour our place within the Solar System, on the Spaceship Earth, and to integrate the occult transmissions of the artists and poets we will open the event with the mystic ritual by Arantxa Araujo and close our virtual circle with the poetry of Sofy Yuditskaya who will transmit from the Desert Temple at the Sunset.

Full Moon in Virgo. Mystical Manifestations.

The symbolic polarity of the Pisces/Virgo axis is expressed as logic versus intuition. Therefore, this Full Moon calls upon finding material forms for our spiritual, intuitive, and mystical experiences. With the Sun in transcendental Pisces, and the Moon in practical, grounded, and deliberate Virgo, we have an opportunity to balance these energies, and encounter resolutions that will help us integrate Spirit with Matter.