Juno’s Diary. Dragons, demons and the 12th house transits.

Sun transiting through the 12th house represents the most inward journey of the Sun. When what we perceive as our ego energies is being immersed in the sea of collective unconscious but also our personal, often hidden, dark mythology. The land of dragons, demons, and fears, our own shadowy queendom we push to the brims of awareness… They exist in this state of darkness until they are activated by a planetary transit. Within one's Astral Grimoire we travers different areas of life at a particular moment, it’s different for each person.

by Jana Astanov

Mercury Retrograde and the Astrological 12th House. 

The Mercury Retrograde period through the sign of Libra in tropical astrology began. I prepared for it by writing an article as well as manifesting through the ritual.

Sun transiting through the 12th house

As it happens coinciding with the Mercury Retrograde on September 27th, the transiting Sun entered my 12th house starting at 4 degrees of Libra – this is the most inward journey of the Sun. When what we perceive as our ego energies is being immersed in the sea of collective unconscious but also our personal, often hidden, dark mythology. The land of dragons, demons, and fears, our own shadowy queendom we push to the brims of awareness… They exist in this state of darkness until they are activated by a planetary transit.

Astral Grimoire

Within one’s Astral Grimoire we travers different areas of life at a particular moment, it’s different for each person. I call it Astral Grimoire as it is not only a personalized planetary calendar but also a set of alchemical rules formulated based on a mathematical game theory to help us maximize each period’s potentialities and minimize its dangerous pitfalls. I created Astral Grimoire, and have been teaching it to my students as part of CREATRIX CODEX course, as well as sharing it with my clients – here please note if you are using my concept you must credit me. 

Libran phase of the Zodiac

Sharing one’s knowledge freely and generously doesn’t mean allowing others to keep on talking infinitely. The Libra season, and Libran phase of the Zodiac in each of the human charts educates us on what it is to relate to others, to share equally and respect each other. 

The current Mercury retrograde teaches us a great deal of how we relate and how we can actually improve our relationships. Acknowledging someone for their support, or even saying sorry where we recognize our shortcomings, is what this Mercury Retrograde in Libra is best for. Building each other up, and building oneself through one’s relationships is the Holy Grail, who are we if not the multitude of those we love and cherish! 

12th House transit – Collective Unconscious

Both Sun’s and Mercury’s transit through the 12th house, can help us become more authentic, more in touch with what is hidden. As I wrote in my article with the 12th House transit, subconscious urges may take over you during this time. Feelings of isolation, loss, depression or being misunderstood by the world are also likely. As a remedy, make a conscious effort to work with your shadow side.

To know your shadow is to face what is hidden within yourself. Not an easy task, but find courage to dive into the dark side in order to redefine your needs and acquaint yourself with your soul’s hidden longings.

This is also the sea of the collective unconscious. Perhaps you can gain access to the secret gnosis of the world’s soul through dreamwork or psychic communications. Share your findings with your community.

12th house mantras:
“I am here to attain peace within myself”
“I am aware of my own shadow, and I am able to transmute it”

My shadow is long. My shadow is the inability to share fully my daily spiritual practice. My shadow are the 5 unfinished books I keep on writing. I need to bring that shadow into the light through the power of the Solar Plexus, Leo Moon, Healer’s Stone, Solar Plexus relating to the Mars energy with my Mars in Gemini, in the House of the Occult, 8th house of Scorpio where I share my gnosis with others. Aho!

For many years I was following my goal of building a network of people who support each other, inspire and expand the collective consciousness. What’s also important to me is to share my occult gnosis accumulated through the lifetimes, and developed through the study of different spiritual systems, especially the science of stars as astrology is known in the Vedas.  I have been fulfilling this ideal through the community created around Noumena and CREATRIX, but also before the curatorial project and the magazine, through various intentional communities I was part of. Ultimately, what is important is to be in one’s own flow, focused on the soul’s mission, and as it is in my case – building an online community – if there are hiccups in the process, that is normal, it’s part of life. It’s the perfection, messiness and beauty of becoming! If any of your relationships needs mending – this is the time! And that includes the relationship with the hurt consciousness which 12th house stands for…

Jana Astanov is an interdisciplinary artist, a poetess, an astrologer and an independent curator born in Mazury Lake District of Poland and currently living in the Shawangunk Mountains, in upstate New York. She is the founder of CREATRIX Magazine and the author of five collections of poetry: Antidivine, Grimoire, Sublunar, The Pillow Book of Burg, and Birds of Equinox. Follow her on IG @Jana_Astanov & Twitter @JanaAstanov