Birds and Butterflies

by Monika from the Blue House

Every woman is presently embodying the ideal body shape of some time-space period or other, as revealed to us by historical changes in fashion and preference. And as we know, time is an illusion – we know it from how much longer it takes to run back to the car from the library with an armload of fresh books when it’s pouring, compared to walking the same distance empty-handed an hour ago when leaving the umbrella locked behind had seemed non-negotiable. Therefore, thanks to this moody curviness of time, every woman is embodying THEE ideal body shape at any given time. As for men and the rest, the same is probably true, but this one was specifically about women, inspired at the moment of me witnessing myself rise out of my morning shower into ready towels, held up for me by birds and butterflies.

About the author

Monika from the Blue House. Artist forever, thinker by calling, writer for sharing. She contemplates the mysteries of the universe, dreams lucid, and creates small mirrors to reflect a little of the mind-bending marvels, or insights into how to live and love in some harmony. She holds imagination and music as the most important treasures in the world, nature as the most beautiful, and Tai Chi and Tarot as the coolest. (Love and common sense should be common sense, so one distant day maybe). She likes to indulge in optimism for the future and sarcasm about everything. Loves the sky. Bad at bios.