Mercury Retrograde in Libra Crystal Programming Ritual

Hold your gemstone and visualize the high expression of the Libra energies relating to the area of your chart the retrograde period is affecting. Program your stone with the mental image of what it means to be loved, and how it feels to be loved.

by Crystal AstroWitch
Image by Susannah Simpson, from a performance art piece “Ophelia Reprogramming” photo by Jennifer Vanilla

Mediate on what this period means to you

Performing a holistic ritual marking the beginning and the end of the retrograde period is advised. At the beginning mediate on what this period means to you. Set your intentions connecting with the precious stone of your choice.

Libra stones: Emerald, Blue Sapphire, Opal, Diamond, Herkimer Diamond, Aquamarine, Coral, Tourmaline, Amethyst and Amber.

Mercury stones: Turquoise, Green Aventurine, Moldavite, Green Onyx, Lapis Lazuli.

Mercury Retrograde stones: Selenite, Tourmaline, Hematite, Blue Lace Agate, Amethyst, Lepidolite.

Once you chose your stone, lit an incense to move the energy of your space and to clear the aura of the stone.

Since my Ascendent is in Libra at 24 degrees, and the Mercury is crossing it twice I connect with stones of both Mercury and Libra. I personally created the whole grid using various stones representative to all the chakras and in harmony with Mercury and Venus as the rulers of this retrograde. In particular I love the energy of the Turquoise Tower, Blue Sapphire, the raw rock of Aventurine and the Hematite Yellow Stone also known as the Healer’s Stone. For this retrograde period I am also using the local stone which is Herkimer Diamond. Instead of trying to find an exotic stone from another part of the world, always look for the local gems which heighten your connection with the physical, material world, as well as make you aware of your environment.

Keep in mind, you don’t need a whole set of chakra stones. One stone is enough! If I was to choose one it would be the Herkimer Dimond.

Crystal Programming

Hold your gemstone and visualize the high expression of the Libra energies relating to the area of your chart the retrograde period is affecting. Program your stone with the mental image of what it means to be loved, and how it feels to be loved. Think of all the successful relationships you experienced, and all the good times with your loved ones you had. The stone will act as a talisman filled with the generated energy of your Future Evolved Self.

Keep your stone in your pocket, by your bed or near your dream journal so it reminds you of your goals and keeps you focused. You can also wear it, however, make sure no one is touching it. If anyone focuses too much on your stone while you wear it, clear if afterwords with smoke or focused intention holding it in your hands. I also use a few drops of rain, stream, lake or river water.

Journaling as a spiritual practice during Mercury Rx

To make the most of the Mercurial analytical faculty journaling is highly advised. If you don’t journal normally, create a document for this purpose and set intention to write for at least 15 minutes every day. If this is too ambitious commit yourself to writing once a week, preferably on Wednesday – the day of Mercury or Friday – the day of Venus. Begin your practice with setting the intentions that you are going to strive to express yourself through the highest form of the Libra archetypes, and as consciously as it is possible you are going to avoid unnecessary arguments. The journaling practice will keep you accountable.

If this is an important time in your life and you need more insights for this particular Mercury transit, you can book 30 minutes consultation with me for a personalized session focused on the Mercury Retrograde. Connect via IG @Jana_Astanov

Jana Astanov is an interdisciplinary artist, a poetess, an astrologer and an independent curator born in Mazury Lake District of Poland and currently living in the Shawangunk Mountains, in upstate New York. She is the founder of CREATRIX Magazine and the author of five collections of poetry: Antidivine, Grimoire, Sublunar, The Pillow Book of Burg, and Birds of Equinox. Follow her on IG @Jana_Astanov & Twitter @JanaAstanov