May 30, 2022, 7:30 AM EST
9°03′ Gemini Tropical
14°53′ Taurus Sidereal conjunct Aldebaran at 14°47′ Sidereal Taurus
Featured image Portia Zvavahera
In astrology, New Moons symbolize a new lunar cycle, and an opportunity to start new projects and to find the new layers of energy within to inspire you towards becoming a more authentic self. The New Moon is your action call!

The Gemini New Moon takes place on May 30th, the Moon and Sun are aligned at 9 degrees and 3 minutes of Gemini, with Mercury, the ruler of this New Moon still retrograde at 26 Taurus, and conjunct The North Node at 22 Taurus.
During the Gemini season expect things to accelerate. Gemini is about change and accomplishing things in a new way: test your ideas as you go along; try things in the spirit of fun and spontaneity, and if you are not satisfied, consider trying them again. Most importantly, focus on the here and now: be present, let the mental chatter flow out through your head, and choose what serves you, discarding the rest. If you feel restless, turn that feeling around, practice mindfulness, and become the observer of your own stream of consciousness.
It’s an exciting new moon, with Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Aries and in sextile to the New Moon. This brings harmonious supportive and invigorating energies to the Sun and the Moon marking this time with the wave of energy that makes us want to conquer the world! It’s important to cope with the busy Gemini energy by talking things through, connecting with friends, writing thoughts and ideas down. If you are planning a New Moon ritual make sure to come up with a list of activities and not only a quite meditation. Gemini loves short exciting trips, social gatherings, sisterhood circles and all sorts of playful activities so let your adventurous spirit out.
However, Juno in Pisces squaring the Moon and Sun in Gemini may manifest itself in our relationships through verbal arguments, and some vagueness in what we or our partner want from the union. Keep that in mind, avoid unnecessary confrontations during this time, or in Gemini style talk things through with the Jupiterian principle of acknowledging everyone’s point of view.
Together with the Mercury Rx and injection of Jupiter in Aries energy, it’s also a great time to revise the list of goals you want to achieve which you can tie with the New Moon intention setting.
At the same time the energies of Taurus are here to ground us urging to manifest on a earthy plane. As we move into the new territory that the North Node in Taurus is showing us, conjunct Mercury Rx this is our opportunity to slow down and tune into what we truly desire and what is in alignment with our life path. The energy of the North Node in Taurus and Venus at the early degrees of Taurus reminds us about the most important lessons: knowing our self-worth and living in harmony with the wisdom of our heart. The grounded energy of Taurus will balance the active squad of the New Moon connected to the Aries Mars and Jupiter.
Star Astrology
The New Moon conjuncts within one degree ALDEBARAN (located at 14°47′ Sidereal Taurus) as well as the Star TABIT: the Shield of Orion, at 16°55′ (Sidereal Taurus).
Aldebaran, also known as Alpha Tauri and Eye of the Bull, is a reddish giant star in the constellation Taurus. The name comes from Arabic meaning “The Follower” as it rises after the Pleiades cluster of stars, following them. As the Eye of the Bull the star is the vision holder for the psychical world designed to support humanity and families in fundamental material ways. It supports our psychical being and is related to business enterprises that have it as a guiding principle.
Aldebaran is 44 times larger than our Sun, it is also one of the 15 brightest stars in the sky, with an apparent visual magnitude of 0.85. It is one of the Four Royal Stars of Persia, the others being: Regulus, Antares and Fomalhaut. Together with Aldebaran the four stars were regarded as the guardians of the sky during the time of the Persian Empire (550 BC–330 BC) in the area of modern-day Iran.
All four stars located in the fixed signs represent the occult power within the Zodiac. Aldebaran represents the power to manifest on the earthly plane. Regulus, the power to create, Antares the power to transform, and Fomalhaut, the power to connect and build community.
Vedic Chart

With Astral Love,
Agni Jnana Yannanda
The One Who Speaks With The Stars