February 27th, 3:17 AM EST
by Agni Jnana Yannanda
Featured image, Jana Astanov, Jadeive series.
Sun at 8 degrees and 57 minutes of Pisces
Moon at 8 degrees and 57 minutes of Virgo
Full moons symbolize a peak of energies; the Sun, representing the ego, opposes the Moon, which represents the soul. Through the external pressures, antagonistic energies bring up inner conflicts to the surface. This may translate into obstacles between your home and work; your desires and your needs. The cosmic tensions are mostly felt on the personal level, as full moons are focused on the emotional and instinctual, allowing you to gain insight into the dynamics of your intimate relationships, and through the power of intuitive insight, adjust them accordingly.
This Full Moon in Virgo occurs on February 27th at 3:17am EST (check your time zone accordingly), Sun at 8 degrees and 57 minutes of Pisces, and the Moon at 8 degrees and 57 minutes of Virgo.

Spirit and Matter
The symbolic polarity of the Pisces/Virgo axis is expressed as logic versus intuition. Therefore, this Full Moon calls upon finding material forms for our spiritual, intuitive, and mystical experiences. With the Sun in transcendental Pisces, and the Moon in practical, grounded, and deliberate Virgo, we have an opportunity to balance these energies, and encounter resolutions that will help us integrate Spirit with Matter.
Mercury in Aquarius, the ruler of this Full Moon, is tucked between Saturn and Jupiter, ready to make its third conjunction to the Great Benefit of the Zodiac, amplifying our intellectual sharpness and incentivizing us to identify and integrate concrete structures for our Aquarian ideas. This is, once again, enhancing the energies of The Great Conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter, where Jupiterian good fortune, and Saturnian ability to provide and manifest support us in moving forward with establishing long lasting structures we may thrive in.
Agent of Channeled Change
Uranus in Taurus is an active agent during the Full Moon, harmonizing the Sun/Moon opposition, in practical and sensuous ways. With the trine to the Moon in Virgo, and sextile to the Piscean Sun, Uranus facilitates the integration of the Spirit with Matter, quite possible through the solutions related to technology.
Emotional Integration
Another focal point of this chart is the asteroid Vesta, in conjunction with the Moon. Vesta symbolizes our ability to focus. Conjunct with the Moon in the sign of Virgo, it also represents our emotional responsiveness channelled in practical ways as a desire to care for others, to provide material comfort for those we love, or to facilitate the process of finding creative ways of self expression.
As this Full Moon takes place early in the morning, throughout the whole day we will be experiencing its energies, the Vesta / Moon conjunction becoming exact on Saturday, February 27th at 2pm. From 7pm on Saturday through Sunday, the planetary energies build up to form the Grand Earth Trine, with the Moon trining Mars in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn.
These alignments further support the fluid transition and exchange between matter and spirit. CREATRIX Magazine is making the most of these potent planetary energies by hosting an online event: NEMETONA, VIRTUAL GROVE, as a quest to immerse our community within the oceanic cosmic consciousness, calling upon the inner Mystic, Poetess, Psychic, Prophetess and The One Who Knows deep within. You can sign up for this free event following the link: NEMETONA, Virtual Grove.
With the Moon transiting through the sign of Virgo, it’s important to embrace the Virgin archetype in all its complexity. Virgo, or the Virgin brings us back to the origins of our civilization and the first accounts of astrology as the cosmic religion. In the ancient Sumer, when astrology followed the movement of celestial objects, like Joytish / Hindu astrology still does, the most important, live-giving deity was known as Inanna, with her symbolism as the Goddess of Love, the most powerful force in the Universe.

Greek mythology also explains the origins of the Virgo constellation, referring to the Golden Age of humanity after which all the Gods abandoned the Earth, with an exception of Astraea whose name translates as star-maiden. She was a daughter of Astraeus, the Titan-god of the dusk, and Eos, a Titaness and the goddess of the dawn. Astraea remained with humanity until the end of the Silver Age, then as the Bronze Age began she fled to the stars appalled by human rage and greed. She became the constellation Virgo, holding the scales of Justice, which represents the constellation of Libra. The legend says that Astraea will one day come back to Earth, bringing with her the return of the utopian Golden Age… Read about the new archetypes of womanhood in the article below:
Personal Forecast
If you have any planets in the Mutable signs of Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius or Gemini, between 3-14 degrees, this Full Moon will strongly affect you, presenting itself through some sort of conflict, or culmination.
Also, if you have any planets or points in your chart between 5-11 degrees of Earth Signs (Taurus, Capricorn) or Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio) you will be blessed with useful and meaningful insights which will help you to find resolutions expressed through the material (Virgo) and spiritual (Pisces) dichotomy.
Follow your Visionary Fish!
As we are in the midst of the PISCES SEASON, this is the time of culmination of the Sun’s travel throughout the Zodiac. Pisces is the Mutable Water sign, the final sign represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions— the visionary one who believes and is ready to turn the fantasy into reality, and the other, who doubts and denies its vision, persuaded that the world would reject it anyhow. When the visionary fish follows her dreams, it disturbs the resting fish and when the resting fish avoids her dreams, it disturbs the visionary fish. This is a tale of divine discontent and how to handle your visionary nature. The path to understand that vision is not there to grab, instead more so to move towards. Below is an article about the deeper symbolic meaning of the Piceas archetypes:
With Cosmic Light,
Agni Jnana Yannanda
The One That Speaks With The Stars