byby kelly shaw nyala *snowflake’s* birth is a fat story. there is sometimes power in keeping things concise, however. and maybe, honestly, it’s all…
by kelly shaw nyala *snowflake’s* birth is a fat story. there is sometimes power in keeping things concise, however. and maybe, honestly, it’s all…
The archetypal meaning she conveys is the one of Medicine Woman, connected to the infinite cosmic healing energy. In one hand she holds her Cup of limitless potentialities, in the other, a snake acting as a lighting rod that conducts the power and serves her to perform quantum healing.
We emerged from the ripples of the interstellar dust, and we have the power within our conscious, subconscious and physical being to cause waves across the Milky Way. We are part of this limitless consciousness.
A cosmic prayer of well defined intentions in the area of healing our creative self expression through the power of the Medicine Woman, the asteroid Hygeia whose healing abilities are transmuted and augmented through the conjunction with the Moon and the trine to the Wounded Healer Chiron.
Leo Full Moon Cosmic Playlist + Visions LEO FULL MOON PLAYLISTby Sarita Brujita A playlist, starring some of the most quintessential Leo Babes, to…
Western astrology named all the planets using mostly Roman mythology, and in case of Uranus (or Ouranos) Greek mythology from a certain historical period. However, if we study deeper we learn it was actually the Queen of The Heavens UR-ANA that was first. In ancient Sumer “AN” meant “HEAVEN”. Later “An” turned into “ANNA” meaning “queen” or “Goddess-mother” like the Sumerian Goddess Inanna.
I’ve gone through great pains to express how in my therapeutic love of Hip Hop and rap, I’ve worked to center displaced rage and disembodied libido I experienced growing up.
Image AstroFeminism, Star Cluster R136 Breaks Out source NASA. ASTRO-FEMINIST MANIFESTO The world is unified and holistic. Astro-Feminism acknowledges the female principle as the…