
Pantheon of AstroFeminism


Western astrology named all the planets using mostly Roman mythology, and in case of Uranus (or Ouranos) Greek mythology from a certain historical period. However, if we study deeper we learn it was actually the Queen of The Heavens UR-ANA that was first. In ancient Sumer “AN” meant “HEAVEN”. Later “An” turned into “ANNA” meaning “queen” or “Goddess-mother” like the Sumerian Goddess Inanna.



I’ve gone through great pains to express how in my therapeutic love of Hip Hop and rap, I’ve worked to center displaced rage and disembodied libido I experienced growing up.



Image AstroFeminism, Star Cluster R136 Breaks Out source NASA. ASTRO-FEMINIST MANIFESTO The world is unified and holistic.  Astro-Feminism acknowledges the female principle as the…

New Moon in Capricorn. Visions of the Future.


The New Moon sets the stage for a fresh start. With the focus on Capricorn: Sun, Moon, Pluto and Venus, this is the perfect time to plan for the new year. Remember that we are still under the influence of the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter which supports long term plans, and equips us with futuristic (Jupiter) and grounded (Saturn) vision.

Astral Principles for Manifesting Abundance


These 13 Astral Principles for Manifesting Abundance, are the most useful, beneficial and straight forward rules that you can use on your own, without spending decades on studying astrology. There is always more to this ancient secret gnosis but with this guide you have all you need to maximise the opportunities that present itself with the planetary alignments.

The Lambo Revolution


by Satoshi’s Nephew Satoshi died for somebody´s sins, and I’m pretty sure they were mineAnd all those degens promising anarchy only brought us hopeAnd…



by Jana Astanov To celebrate the last Full Moon of this strange strange year, I decided to bring us all some hope and laugher…