Libra Full Moon. March 28th. Balanced Activation.

During the Full Moon we experience an energizing Grand Air Trine between the Moon in Libra, Mars conjunct North Node in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius. This is the most beneficial, easy flowing, supportive energy so if you have any planets between 5 and 15 degrees of Air signs you are going to feel activated and supported by the forces of the Universe with the unlimited energy to conceptualize, formulate and pursue your goals. It's the time to shine, experiencing deep emotional connection with the general feeling of being in the FLOW!

Sun at 8 degrees and 18 minutes of Aries
Moon at 8 degrees and 18 minutes of Libra
March 28th at 2:48 pm EST

Full moons symbolize a peak of energies, and occur when the Sun (the ego) opposes the Moon (the soul). This Full Moon in Libra takes place on March 28th at 2:48 pm EST (check your time zone accordingly).

With the Sun at Sun at 8 degrees and 18 minutes of Aries opposing the Moon at Sun at 8 degrees and 18 minutes of Libra we might find ourselves at odds with the need to belong and identify with a group, and the need to pursue our personal goals. The duality of the Full Moon expresses itself through the axis of Aries and Libra: desires and needs of the self, and the need to negotiate our social reality with others. The ego driven, self-centered Aries is balanced by the opposing sign of Libra representing equality, diplomacy and relationships we form with others. In order to lead a happy, fulfilling life we must hold in balance the individual sense of self and assertiveness with sensitivity to the needs of others. Just like Mars shows us how to stand up for ourselves, the ruler of Libra Venus teaches us about love: self-love, self-worth and love for others. 

The ruler of this Full Moon, Venus conjuncts the Sun in Aries, and Mars the ruler of Aries in Gemini conjunct the North Node, our collective destiny. 

During the Full Moon we experience an energizing Grand Air Trine between the Moon in Libra, Mars conjunct North Node in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius. This is the most beneficial, easy flowing, supportive energy so if you have any planets between 5 and 15 degrees of Air signs you are going to feel activated and supported by the forces of the Universe with the unlimited energy to conceptualize, formulate and pursue your goals. It’s the time to shine, experiencing deep emotional connection with the general feeling of being in the FLOW – Moon trine Mars, this configuration supports backing your imagination with will and wisdom, the Saturn in this mix will want to assume its responsibilities and organize – Moon trine Saturn, supported by the need for serious purposeful action characteristic for Mars trine Saturn. Use your power wisely always with the aim of creating an equal balanced exchange between the drive of our ego and your partner, family or any group you are part of!

Also if you are Leo born between July 26th and August 5th, or have any planets in Leo between 5 and 15 degrees the current planetary energies are forming additional aspect to your natal Sun or any other Leo planet creating a powerful activating multidimensional aspect known as THE STAR! All of the above, plus the harmonious connection to the Sun in Aries will make you feel ambitious, and driven. Don’t forget to also celebrate all you accomplished so far in your life! Aho!

CREATRIX Magazine is embracing the conjunction or Mars and the North Node in Gemini by launching the new course as part of our Astral Academia – CREATRIX CODEX. As you use astrology to better understand your place in the Cosmos, and the Cosmos within you, the CREATRIX CODEX course will help you develop your knowledge of this ancient wisdom system, and will equip you with the essential tools to holistically interpret the charts. Here is the course information, hope you can join us!

About the author

Agni Jnana Yannanda
The One That Speaks With The Stars
with her Mercury and Jupiter at 13 degrees of Leo and Mars at 13 degrees of Gemini.