Astro Creatrix

All you need to know about Mercury Retrograde.


Mercury retrogrades are generally marked by a need for extra patience and diligence. This is a good time to slow down, and to take a little extra time and care with communication. Yet it’s also possible to approach them as a journey of discovery and reclamation.



This Full Moon on the Leo / Aquarius axis creates opportunities to understand the symbols and cycles that govern our civilization. Sun opposition Moon opens up the Aquarian Portal, showing us a glimpse of what is possible if the ego and soul energies resolve the polarity: the individual and the collective, the personal and the universal.

FULL MOON IN SAGITTARIUS JUNE 14 2022. Through the Portal of the Collective Field.


The Zen Archer is focused upon long term goals, that is, goals of the cosmic soul, rather than short term, trivial pursuits. Sagittarius is a seeker, always on a quest for knowledge that transcends or that lies beyond the transient and superficial world of human affairs. This is an archetype for a self-taught witch who amalgamated spiritual wisdom over time through raw experiences.