The veil between the worlds – an interview with a metalsmith Kiley Murphy.

The pieces in Miss Dior Chérie are cathartic expressions of grief and visual representations of the United States mental health system today. The mesh, the grid, is the net that should support us from falling. Lines intersect and the structure reinforces
itself. Its essence is foundational—it is the framework of a building laid in cement. Yet seeing metal exposed points to deterioration and decay. I highlight this contrast through
the careful application of embellishments like beads and stones upon overlooked objects. I assign meaning to discarded fragments of the mundane by concretizing them
into art jewelry.

Partial Solar Eclipse. Karmic Revelations. October 25th 2022

Ancient scriptures suggest to stay calm and centered during the eclipses. Do some type of soothing ritual, especially if it affects a planet or point in your chart. Throughout the entire eclipse season, between October 25th and November 8th, do not make any rushed decisions. Stay centered, meditate and pray.