by Yannanda
January 12th, 2020, exact at 10:04am EST.
There are things we cannot see in the sky with the naked eye but they possess tremendous power and affect us through the planetary movement. Since 2019 we were under the influence of a powerful Pluto / Saturn conjunction, that becomes exact on January 12th 2020. However, the consequences of these planetary alignments will extend for the coming years and we will keep on experiencing its effects through the 2020s.
This is an enormous energetic wave pulling us into the vortex of power, control, and all the negative connotations that arise in relation to the abuse of power. The stellium of planets on 22 degrees of Capricorn involves Saturn, Pluto, Mercury, Sun, and the asteroid Ceres.
In 1982 Pluto and Saturn met in Libra; however, last time we experienced the meeting of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, it was in 1518, over 500 years ago. The grave significance of this encounter is emphasized through the energies involved. Pluto, the God of the Underworld, meets Saturn, the Lord of Time, in a sign of Capricorn associated with the external structures of the society and its hierarchy.
On both personal and collective level, we need to attune to the CAPRICORN’s lessons.
Internalize the responsibility you hold over your own life, actions, potential for change, and impact on the community you are part of, an ever-evolving quantum dance of existence. Live up to your words, take responsibility for what you promised and committed to regardless of how big or small your obligations are. You have a choice. You are free to act, so if you choose integrity then Saturn, the God of Time and Duty will nod approvingly as you overcome the fear to act, and push the limits of personal comfort to take responsibility for your own life and those who are part of it.
Pluto in Capricorn, the generational slow-moving planet calls upon us to collectively acknowledge a concept of personal responsibility reverberating and enhancing the Capricorn theme. Pluto reveals where we most covertly resist change, therefore also showing us where we have the opportunity to rise above personal fears. Residing in the sign of Capricorn, Pluto tests the structures of our political and economic systems, based on a sense of moral and ethical integrity. We became all codependents of a system that is not functioning, that is, taking more than it can give. This imbalance creates a distorted sense of responsibility within us all, for the system is failing us and we need to transform it, and assume greater personal accountability for the impact we have on our world.
Saturn in Capricorn represents structures and authority both external and internal. To live up to the highest calling of this authoritative rule you need to accept the responsibility and authority for manifesting the goals that you determine are for the public good, driven by the principle of social progress. You have the personal power to act upon the larger system of political and economic structures. If the system isn’t fulfilling its function, you have every right to acknowledge it and call it out. Your personal goal is to act upon it, and find ways of restoring the balance. How? With the Saturn in Capricorn we are called to acknowledge ourselves as the creators of authority; we need to recognize our power to climb above self-imposed limitations through the practical skills of organizing and managing.
Ceres in Capricorn conjunct Sun, Mercury, Pluto and Saturn. The asteroid Ceres is associated with the ancient Roman Goddess of Agriculture and Fertility who also represents the principle of the Mother Earth, also associated with the ancient Great Mother Goddess and Gaia. She is a sustaining and life giving goddess, however in Capricorn she takes on a more severe persona emphasizing her organizational nature and depriving the emotional support that we all expect from the motherly love. To keep things in order the Mother Earth needs to self regulate. According to the Gaia hypothesis, the Earth itself is a complex interacting system that can be thought of as a single organism. The theory named after the Greek goddess of Earth, Gaia, was developed in the 1960s and popularized in the 70s by scientist and inventor James E. Lovelock and biologist Lynn Margulis. Gaia, Demeter, Mawu and Ceres are one; they represent the Mother Earth, a living system in which all organisms, organic and non-inorganic, are closely integrated to form a single and self-regulating complex system, maintaining the conditions for life on the planet. If as a species we are unable to live in harmony with our environment, it is not the Earth that will go extinct but the human race that most likely will be shrugged off the surface of the planet, while the Earth restores its equilibrium. The Goddess in a tight embrace with all these planets will use Mercury to communicate the urgency of the situation, and Pluto and Saturn to shake off the burden of our civilization.

Yannanda, The One Who Speaks With The Stars