Tropical, Leo: 26º to 12º Leo
Sidereal, Leo and Cancer: 4º Leo (Magha Nakshatra) to 18º Cancer (Ashlesha Nakshatra)
by Agni Jnana Yannanda
AI illustrations AstroCreatrix
Nothing in life goes perpetually forward and that’s a good thing as the retrograde periods are here to shine the light onto the deepest corners of our souls.
Venus retrograde starts on July 22nd going backwards through the sign of Tropical Leo (from 26º to 12º Leo about 6 weeks) and Sidereal Leo and Cancer from 4º Leo in Magha Nakshatra to 18º Cancer in Ashlesha Nakshatra). She stations direct on September 3rd, then goes forward at 12º Tropical Leo and 18º Sidereal Cancer.
Retrograde phases are a good time to slow down, and to take a little extra time and care with communication. Yet it’s also possible to approach them as a journey of discovery and reclamation. As Venus turns retrograde once every year and a half for around 6 weeks, she makes us revise everything that concerns our relationships, value system, self-worth, beauty standards, our level of happiness. In case of the retrograde in Leo ruled by the Sun, Venus will make us re-visit all that concerns our identify and how well we live our lives in accordance to our life’s mission, and how we use our personal power – if we are comfortable with ourselves we have no reason to show off, on the other side here lies the biggest shadowy threat with this Rx transit…
When it comes to the Nakshatra Ashlesha, Cancer, Sidereal, associated in the ancient scriptures with the serpents Nagas, here we access the realm of the occult, and have opportunity to learn shamanic wisdom journeying into the underworld with Venus descent. Avoid choosing your ex as a guide. And if you do, learn your lessons once and for all.
Leo’s highest expression and strength, as one of the leadership signs, is to shine the light onto others. The shadow of Leo is diminishing others to cover up your own low self-worth.
Always aim for the highest expression of your energies so as to live in accordance with the cosmic law of karma. Rx period is the time of accelerated karma accumulation or burning depending on your actions. Choose wisely!

On a Future Life Progression Journey contemplating my human existence.
Venus, the Goddess of Beauty and Art as the ruler of Taurus, and the Goddess of Love and Relationships as the ruler of Libra, teaches that our quality of life is a reflection of our emotional state of being, which attracts experiences and relationships into our life. The Goddess descent and the retrograde motion pulls us deep into a personal process of emotional alchemy. It’s an opportunity to deepen the understanding of the inner workings of our hearts. This periodic exercise in heart intelligence works individually and in relationships, developing throughout our lifetimes helping us to learn what we need from our relationships in order to grow.
When Venus goes retrograde, relationships are affected, we may be inclined to engage in some soul searching and retrospection. This concerns not only our love relationships, but also our friendships, partnerships, business associations: in short all of the relations we form in the world.
As for the transit of Venus through the sign of Leo, we will be forced or encouraged through external circumstances and people we encounter during this period to look at what really matters in our lives. During the 6 weeks of Venus Rx make sure you ask yourself such fundamental questions as: Am I happy? Do I live in accordance with my life’s purpose? And journal to find your heart’s true desires. During the workshop on June 20th I will guide you towards the essence of your life’s mission. Aho!
Once Venus turns direct on September 3rd 29th at 12º of Leo, Tropical and 18º of Cancer, Sidereal, we shall re-emerge from this journey with a new sense of self, more aware of what we need from the love relationships and partnerships we form, and hopefully having some new strategies of how to hold the space for our own needs so as to manifest a more fulfilling life.
Summer Forecast
Everyone is welcome to join the Alchemical Summer hang out & Solstice magic with our June authors: our dear friend and medium Byzantia Harlow and a writer, Hagar Harpak. Agni Jnana will share the astro-gnosis for the summer and Venus going Retrograde from July 22 to Sept 3rd.
FREE for CREATRIX friends, artists and writers, donations for everyone else.
As both Vedic and Western astrologer, I am going to include insights from both traditions – astro-syncretism has been a force of astrology development since the ancient Summer, Babylon, Egypt, India and Greece. After all, it’s about “maximum gain” with “minimum effort” – as in the statistical game theory – in service to others.
With Cosmic Blessings,
Agni Jnana Yannanda, The One Who Speaks With The Stars

Jana Astanov performing with Niko van Egten as ASTRALOOP: Cosmic Serpent Journey – shamanic hypnotic trance with the Mother Island grande finale.