by Agni Jnana Yannanda
Aquarius Season Jan 19 – Feb 18
Mercury retrograde in Aquarius journal
The symbol “AN” meaning “HEAVEN” is the symbol of Astro-Feminism, so as to remind us about the divine female power of the Queen of Heavens who created the whole Universe.
What was first “AN” or “OM”?
From January 19th to February 18th, the Sun is transiting the sign of Aquarius per Tropical, Western astrology. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the archetype of the Revolutionary and the Inventor. Western astrology named all the planets using mostly Roman mythology, and in the case of Uranus (or Ouranos), Greek mythology from a specific historical period. However, if we study deeper, we learn it was actually the Queen of The Heavens, UR-ANA, that was first. In ancient Sumer, “AN” meant “HEAVEN” and was symbolically represented by the featured Cuneiform symbol, dating back to Sumer, 3000 BC.
At some point between 3000 BC and 2000 BC, “AN” turned into “ANNA” meaning “queen” or “Goddess-mother”, like the Sumerian Goddess, Inanna. Sappo uses Ana for Anassa (queen), sharing the root with Irish mythology Ana or Annan (Danaan goddess). And here, we can rely on Robert Graves who writes: “Uranus, the father of the Titans according to Greek classical mythology, is likely to have originally been their Mother – Ura-ana, Queen Ura.”
Robert Graves in his book “The White Goddess” relates that the more numerous the poetic meanings that could be concentrated in a sacred name, the greater was its power. The mid-summer letter “ur” is also connected with “earth”, also the root found in Latin words “area” “a plot of earth”. The Greek word “era” = “earth” suggest that Erana or Arana or Urana was the Earth-goddess whose favour had to be asked when fields were ploughed or cities (urves or urbes) founded.”

Throughout the ancient times, slowly yet steadily, the female principle was usurped by the male as part of the growing power of the patriarchal societies and in the more recent times also monotheistic religions.
UrAna from her ancient origins as the Queen of Heaven and Sumerian winged Goddess Inanna, was deprived of her divine feminine power over the Cosmos. In the ancient Greek mythology she became known as Urania, and was assigned to a pleasing harem of Apollo’s Muses, as the Muse of astronomy, sophisticated but powerless.
Subconscious Universal Mind
What are the origins of the symbol “AN” = “HEAVEN” beyond the fact that it dates back to the Early Bronze Age, and is associated with the Cuneiform of Sumer (where polyandry was a common social practice)? Isn’t An, Heaven with her 8 arms stretched like a star, a symbol of a higher frequency than let’s say the Christian cross? Forgotten for millennia “AN” lived on in the subconscious Universal Mind as a psychic phenomena bestowing its energy of the Divine Feminine on those who would open their channels of awareness and appreciate its symmetry and beauty.
The Piscean Era
If you think about it, the cross with its crucified Son of God, represents suffering and fear. Standing for monotheistic religion, which is the essence of the Pisces era with its hierarchical religious order where the knowledge / gnosis belongs to the elite, and the individual needs to follow the church with its commandments. In such a state of consciousness, the individual is unaware of the divine aspect of Self. Living in an illusion of being alone and separate, she experiences her struggle as the result of false beliefs from the outdated operating system of the Pisces realm: symbolically two fishes swimming in opposite directions, unsure which one is right and which one will ultimately decide on the course. The last couple of thousand years of the Piscean epoch weren’t exactly peaceful and loving, as if Pisces were still struggling to shake off the previous human era of ego driven, war loving Aries (which marks the moment when we collectively dethroned the Queen of Heaven and turned her into the Father in Heaven).
The Christian Cross as The Wounded Wand
This separation of the Self from its magnificent uniqueness through the Wounded Wand of the Cross represents the third-dimensional consciousness, 3D world of limitations and deficiency based on fear. To me, 3D consciousness is synonymous with the monotheistic religions and their authoritarian father figures. “Jesus died for our sins”, the prayer of guilt etched into humanity, as if humanity has ever needed the Chosen Son to be tortured in the name of some Truth greater than the Truth of the Self, which is Love. The reality is that we have been awaiting the re-emergence of the Holy Daughter from the ancestral lineage of the Goddess-mother, Queen of Heavens, An.
Tree of Life – towards the fifth-dimensional state of unconditional Love
The ancestral lineage belonging to the Tree of Life, which emerged from the interstellar dust reflects the interconnectedness of all individuals; we are not alone. If you are aware of the spiritual energies around you, you can open up to the support of the fourth-dimensional consciousness leading you towards the fifth-dimensional state of unconditional Love.

The origins of the eight pointed star
A glistening burst of light, the eight pointed star of The Queen of Heaven, An, denotes the connection between you and the Universe, between your heart and the starry sky above you from where we originated. An, the symbol represents a state of oneness with all life consciousness in which your essence, you Self aligns to the pure love of the Cosmic Mother within you.
Restoring the pantheon of AstroFeminist deities
Astro-Feminism acknowledges the female principle as the creative force within the cosmos, and in the microcosm of human culture. It celebrates diverse spiritual practices and honors a pantheon of powerful feminine intersectional, transcultural deities that work with the male gods in their own chthonic realm and ritual space. As one of its goals Astro-Feminism focuses on restoring the pantheon of AstroFeminist deities and the archetypes empowering the collective unconscious raising our civilizational vibration from within the heart / mind, in full awareness of the feminine power.
The sexual energy of the cosmic soul
It’s time to remember what we forgot. One of the main postulates of Astro-Feminism acknowledges the female principle as the creative force within the cosmosand in the microcosm of human culture. The Astro-feminist perspective recognizes the feminine as the link between sexuality and spirit, between biological energy and the cosmic soul. The Cuneiform symbol AN dates back circa 3000 BC, to the Era of Taurus, a time when worship of the Goddess was widespread and Goddess Cults were common. We chose it as the symbol of Astro-Feminism to remind us about the divine female power encoded into the eight pointed star / wand of the Queen of Heavens who created the whole Universe.
With Cosmic Light,
Agni Jnana Yannanda
The One Who Speaks With The Stars