by Agni Jnana Yannanda
Featured image Draco and Ursa Minor Constellations from Urania’s Mirror
August 4th, 2024, 7:14 AM EST
Sidereal: Sun & Moon at 18° Cancer 22’, Ashlesha Nakshatra
Tropical: Sun & Moon at 12° Leo 34′
Stars: KOCHAB, Beta Ursae Minoris, at 19° Cancer, Sidereal / 13° Leo, Tropical
the Little Bear, Ursa Minor Constellation
ACUBENS, Alpha Cancri, 19° Cancer Sidereal / 13° Leo, Tropical
Teachings from the Lion, Bear, Crab, Beehive, Serpent and the Dragon.
This new Lunar Cycle begins on August 4th, 2024 with the New Moon in Tropical Leo, Sidereal Cancer, and culminates on August 19th, 2024 at 2:25 pm EST.
Vedic Chart

With this New Moon update, CREARIXmag is celebrating 4 years of sharing the wisdom of JYOTISH Astrology. You can check out how it started with our first Vedic update from August 2nd, 2020!
Wishing you all a Joyful New Lunar Cycle! In terms of the actual star constellation the Sun & Moon meet in the constellation of Cancer in Ashlesha, the Nakshatra of Nagas, one of the most powerful Moon Mansions where the sacred knowledge is being held and protected by the Serpent Gods Nagas.

Ashlesha is associated with the Hydra constellation and a symbol of Three Times Coiled Snake – the potential of the kundalini rising. Another symbol of Ashlesha – Two Entwining Snakes can be seen in the sky as the constellation of Hydra in the South of the ecliptic and the Draco Constellation in the North.

The immense power associated with this Moon Mansion encompasses the Serpent, the Dragon and in between them, The Crab with its Beehive cluster, The Lion, and the Mama Bear with her Cub and Cub’s True North Star Polaris at the end of its tail. This New Moon aligned with the Heart of the Cub, KOCHAB, focuses on learning our earthy lessons through the power of LOVE rather than POLARIZATION from which the suffering arises.

Star KOCHAB, Beta Ursae Minoris, the heart of the Cub, from Arabic al-kawkab, meaning ‘planet’ ‘star’; in Kabala ‘the Universe’ also Polish ‘kochac’ ‘to love’ representing the heart of the cub that transmutes the energy of polarization of our world.
The current True North of our civilization defined by the star POLARIS, Alfa Ursa Minor, is the representation of the evolutionary path of Humanity. The Little Bear is exploring under the watchful gaze of Mama Bear, between the Serpent, Dragon, Lion, and the mystery of the open star cluster hidden within the hard shell of the Crab protecting the Beehive. WE ARE ALL ONE.
ACUBENS, Alpha Cancri
The traditional name Acubens is derived from the Arabic word meaning ‘the claws’. As this New Moon takes place in between the crab claws, use the spiritual precision of those celestial pincers to cast the direction you want to take during this Lunar Cycle.
Western Chart, Placidus

The major aspects to this New Moon include a trine with the North Node in Aries and a sextile with the Jupiter and Mars conjunction in Gemini. In the words of embodied astrology, it symbolizes…
Unapologetic Being Nurtured by the Sun-Source
Tropical Leo represents our heart base, the inner light that shines from within the Sun-Source onto others, embodying the highest expression of the Lioness Queen/Mama Bear archetype. Allow yourself to be nurtured by the source—the center of our star system—the all-encompassing Sun, the bringer of life in the mild climate of the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun makes us playful and creative, allowing us to glimmer and spark so that our inner source shines once the layer of conditioning is removed.
Leo season is the time to dissolve what coats your true being: the protective skin of conventions, insecurities, and making oneself small for the sake of fitting in. You are your own universe; you are the CREATRIX of worlds!
Wishing you a beautiful star gazing night setting the intentions for this lunar cycle,

Agni Jnana Yannanda, The One Who Speaks With The Stars
Agni Jnana Yannanda, which translates from Sanskrit as Mystic Fire, is an astrologer originally from the Masuria Lake District of Poland and currently living in the Shawangunk Mountains.