Practical Mystics: The Eclipse Season.

by Agni Jnana Yannanda, The One Who Speaks With The Stars
featured image, Stina Puotinen, Virgo Rising, 2024

Lunar Eclipse / Full Moon in Pisces

September 17th, 2024, 10:34 PM EST
Tropical: Moon at 25° Pisces 40′, Sun at 25° Virgo 40′
Sidereal: Moon at 1° Pisces 28′ (Poorvabhadra Nakshatra), Sun at 1° Virgo 28′ (Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra)

To balance the Moon in Pisces with the Sun in Virgo create harmony by integrating mysticism into your daily routines, leading with compassion, and grounding emotional depth into concrete action.

Eclipse season is a potent vortex of energy that brings about transformation and opens new possibilities. Whether we acknowledge it or not, these energies are present, and the gravitational forces within our Solar System, suspended in the Milky Way galaxy, affect us both individually and collectively.

The current Lunar Cycle began on September 2nd, 2024 leading up to the partial Lunar Eclipse conjunct Neptune on September 17th or 18th, depending on your time zone. Eclipses never fail to amaze me. Whether they affect me directly or the people around me, I always notice their powerful impact on our lives. If you’ve been feeling a bit off or out of sorts over the past month, expect things to intensify in the coming days.

Western, Tropical Zodiac

For the update in the tradition of Tropical, Western Zodiac read the following article:

Vedic, Sidereal: Moon in Poorvabhadra Nakshatra, Sun in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra

How to harmonize the energies of the Moon in Poorvabhadra Nakshatra with the Sun in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra

Balancing the energies of the Moon in Poorvabhadra Nakshatra with the Sun in Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra involves harmonizing two distinct yet complementary forces—one mystical and transformative (Poorvabhadra) and the other practical and relationship-oriented (Uttaraphalguni.

Poorvabhadra is ruled by Jupiter and reflects deep spiritual transformation, introspection, and a sense of duality. It is connected to intense emotional experiences and higher wisdom.The Moon in Poorvabhadra brings heightened sensitivity, mystical insights, and a need to delve into life’s deeper meanings. It can also create inner conflicts, requiring a balance between the material and spiritual realms.

Uttaraphalguni is ruled by the Sun and reflects leadership, responsibility, and social connections. It emphasizes the importance of partnerships, social status, and fulfilling responsibilities.The Sun here brings a sense of authority, pride, and the need to create stability, particularly through relationships or long-term commitments.

Moon (Poorvabhadra) represents mystical, intuitive, and deeply spiritual energies, while the Sun (Uttaraphalguni) represents practical, grounded leadership and the focus on real-world responsibilities.To balance these, one must integrate the mystical wisdom and emotional depth of the Moon with the structured, duty-driven approach of the Sun. Cultivate spiritual practices (like meditation) to align inner emotions with outer actions.

To merge the energies of both Nakshatras embrace spirituality in relationships. The Sun in Uttaraphalguni emphasizes partnerships and cooperation, while the Moon in Poorvabhadra focuses on transformation through introspection. To balance these, bring spiritual values into relationships, using Poorvabhadra’s transformative wisdom to deepen emotional bonds and cultivate spiritual connections with others. In leadership and collaboration, honor both the practical demands of the world and the inner spiritual journey.

The Moon in Poorvabhadra often has visionary, big-picture ideas, while the Sun in Uttaraphalguni is more detail-oriented and focused on step-by-step progress.Balance this by grounding visionary ideas (Poorvabhadra) into actionable steps (Uttaraphalguni). Apply your inner insights to concrete goals, making sure that your spiritual growth aligns with outer achievements.

Poorvabhadra’s energy fosters empathy and a deep understanding of human suffering, while Uttaraphalguni focuses on leading others and taking responsibility.Balance these by leading with compassion. Use your emotional sensitivity from Poorvabhadra to connect with others, but let the Sun in Uttaraphalguni help you organize and manage these connections in a responsible and constructive way.

The Sun in Uttaraphalguni values physical health and routine, while the Moon in Poorvabhadra focuses on mental and spiritual well-being.Balance these energies by creating routines that nurture both the body and mind. Engage in yoga, meditation, or mindfulness practices that honor both the physical and spiritual aspects of health.

The Moon in Poorvabhadra can sometimes bring emotional intensity or inner turmoil. The Sun in Uttaraphalguni has a stabilizing influence, promoting discipline and routine.Balance this by using Uttaraphalguni’s discipline to ground Poorvabhadra’s emotional energy. Establish daily rituals or schedules that help contain and direct emotional intensity into productive channels, such as creative work or spiritual study.

To balance the Moon in Poorvabhadra with the Sun in Uttaraphalguni, embrace the spiritual insights and transformation of Poorvabhadra while applying the practical, leadership-oriented qualities of Uttaraphalguni. Create harmony by integrating mysticism into your daily routines, leading with compassion, and grounding emotional depth into concrete action.

For the full unpdate in the Vedic, Jyotish tradition follow this article:

The Cosmic Dance of Dragons: The Symbolism of Eclipses and Lunar Nodes

An eclipse occurs when the Sun or Moon is obscured from view due to a specific alignment between the Earth, Sun, and Moon. A lunar eclipse happens during a Full Moon (when the Sun opposes the Moon), as the Earth passes between the Sun and Moon, blocking the Sun’s rays from reaching the Moon. A solar eclipse occurs during a New Moon (when the Sun and Moon are in conjunction), as the Moon passes between the Earth and Sun, blocking the Sun’s light.

Eclipse Symbolism

In astrology, an eclipse’s symbolism mirrors its physical occurrence—what happens in the sky reflects something deeper. When the sky goes dark and the Moon is blocked, we lose a familiar light. Similarly, during an eclipse, something we are used to seeing or understanding may become obscured or hidden. In ancient times, eclipses were seen as omens, often linked to significant events like the rise and fall of rulers, wars, or natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods.

What Do Eclipses Bring to Our Personal Lives?

Anything with great power and influence on a global scale is bound to affect us individually. If the degrees of the eclipses align with a significant point or planet in our natal chart, the impact can feel similar to an outer planet transit. Even if none of your personal points or planets are directly involved, the eclipses will always activate a house in your chart.

It’s essential to observe where the nodes and eclipses fall in your chart, particularly if they align with a planet or personal point. If they do, especially in combination with a retrograde, they will activate that area of your life, bringing hidden aspects into focus. These revelations can be positive or challenging, but they will demand your attention.

As of mid-September 2024, several planets are in retrograde, creating a time for introspection and revisiting past themes. Pay special attention if these retrogrades aspect your Sun, Moon, or other personal planets or points.

  • Saturn Retrograde: From June 29 to November 15, 2024, Saturn is retrograde in Pisces. This period encourages a reevaluation of boundaries, responsibilities, and long-term goals.
  • Uranus Retrograde: Uranus has been retrograde since August 28, 2023, and remains retrograde until January 27, 2024, in Taurus. This energy brings sudden insights, disruptions, and shifts in areas related to stability and security.
  • Neptune Retrograde: Neptune is retrograde in Pisces from July 2 to December 7, 2024. This is a time for reassessing dreams, illusions, and spiritual beliefs.
  • Pluto Retrograde: Pluto is retrograde from May 2 to October 11, 2024, moving between Aquarius and Capricorn. This deepens the process of transformation and power dynamics in our lives.

As ancient texts remind us, during these times it is wise to stay focused, meditate, and reflect. This practice helps you gather the inner strength needed to navigate whatever the eclipses may bring.

Dates of the Eclipses in 2024:

  • March 25, 2024 – Partial Lunar Eclipse
  • April 8, 2024 – Total Solar Eclipse:
  • September 17, 2024 – Partial Lunar Eclipse
  • October 2, 2024 – Annular Solar Eclipse

What Causes Eclipses?

Eclipses are caused by the interaction between the Sun, Moon, and the Nodes. The Nodes, while not physical planets, are critical points where the orbit of the Moon intersects the apparent path of the Sun (the ecliptic). The point where the Moon moves from South to North is called the Ascending Node, or North Node.

In Western astrology, the Nodes represent points of evolution. The South Node symbolizes familiarity, comfort, and patterns from past experiences or past lives, where we may feel inclined to stay. The North Node represents the direction in which we are drawn to grow and evolve, urging us toward new challenges and opportunities for self-development. Ultimately, the goal is to balance the energy of both Nodes by integrating the lessons of the past while embracing future growth through the signs and houses they occupy.

The Moon’s Nodes, responsible for eclipses, are also known as the “Dragons” in Vedic astrology, where the symbolism of eclipses originated. For the full story of how eclipses came to be, check out my article:  THE STORY OF A WOMAN AND THE SNAKE, in which I relate the Hindu myth about the churning of the ocean of milk, and how the Nodes and eclipses were formed. It is an important event in Hindu philosophy, and the most common form of the story is from the Mahābhārata – perfectly describing the symbolism of the Nodes and Eclipses.

In Vedic astrology, the Dragons are in fact the Demons who caused the eclipse. You can learn more about this fascinating myth in the article THE DEMONS WHO CAUSED THE ECLIPSE.

Wishing you a peaceful and transformative Lunar Eclipse, meditate and tune inwards,

Agni Jnana Yannanda
The One Who Speaks With The Stars

With Astraes’s Sound Gode, a ritual object from Astraea’s Second Coming, wood, yarn, reclaimed wood, photo by Andrew Forbes, taken on the Full Moon, May 23rd 2024, Rosekill, fire pyre in the background awaiting the night.

Agni Jnana Yannanda, which translates from Sanskrit as Mystic Fire, is an astrologer and an artist originally from Masuria Lake District and currently living in the Shawangunk Mountains.