by Agni Jnana Yannanda, The One Who Speaks With The Stars
featured artwork Alma Nungarrayi Granites Seven Sisters Dreaming

May 23rd, 2024
Tropical: Moon at 2°55′ Sagittarius, Sun at 2°55′ Gemini
Sidereal: Moon at 8°43′ Scorpio (Anuradha Nakshatra), Sun at 8°43′  Taurus (Krittika Nakshatra)

Star Antares, Alpha Scorpii, Heart of the Scorpion, Sidereal 4° Scorpio 46’
Star Aldebaran, Alpha Tauri, Sidereal 14° Taurus 47’
Stars ALCYONE, Pleiades, Sidereal 5° Taurus 00′
Pleiades from 4°25’ to 5°23’ Sidereal Taurus

Channelled message:

During this Full Moon, the Sun transitions through Sidereal Taurus aligned with the constellation of Pleiades, the most mythical asterism of our skies, known in Vedic astrology as Krittikas, and reflected in the name of the Nakshatra Krittika. Pleiades are the original StarSeeds within our SoulFamily / Spirit / Galactic alliance. Strong connections to this part of the sky in individual or comparative charts bring deep psychic and symbolic understanding of the world, visions of a harmonious future for all, with potential and strength to act on it and general feeling of joy, fun, love and mutual support. As someone with 6 planets placed in this constellation in comparative chart with my son, it gives me a first hand experience of the totality of this interdimensional aura and its power to ground oneself in Earthbound love in this incarnation, (possibly thanks to my Jupiter exalted in Cancer in Hamsa Yoga and Saraswati Yoga, some relief at last!). Krittikas are the foster mothers of Shiva’s son Karikeya, they are also humanity’s GodMothers, ready to step into our lives with manifesting powers of all that brings equilibrium on individual and collective level. They should be seen as the protective deities during the current systemic transformation of the world. Whatever is happening within this week commencing on May 20th with Jupiter and Venus also transitioning through Pleiades (Venus until the end of May and Jupiter mid June), don’t miss on sudden opportunities that the heavens bestow upon you to benefit the cycle of re-emergence from humanity’s dark ages. 

See the Pleiades-Krittikas as your Guiding Stars, and pay attention to subtle energies that transpire during this time in case you need reaffirmation of your life’s place within the larger cycles of world’s consciousness and conscience.


Anuradha Nakshatra

The placement of the Moon – Sidereal 8° Scorpio 43′ in Anuradha Nakshatra, reverberates those themes, making it more pronounced as if the Heavens were extra clear about what to pay attention to! Anuradha the Star of Success and humanitarian focus has as its symbol a lotus flower reflecting the ability and perseverance to blossom in the midst of life’s trials and tribulations and the governing deity

The presiding deity is Mitra, the God of friendship and partnership who promotes cooperation among humanity bringing compassion and love – AND THE END OF GENOCIDE.

Another deity associated with this Moon Mansion is Radha, the consort of Krishna and the feminine manifestation of the energy of God who encourages all beings to serve the Divine.

The Moon aligns with the Star Antares within 5 degrees orb, the star known as The Heart of Scorpio is also one of the Royal Stars also described as the Stars of Feminine Power.

The Stars of Feminine Power

All four stars located in the fixed signs associated with Kundalini and female power Shakti (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) represent the occult power within the Zodiac: Aldebaran (Taurus) the power to manifest on the earthly plane, Regulus (Leo) represents the power to create, Antares (Scorpio) the power to transform, and Fomalhaut (Aquarius), the power to connect and build community.

Aldebaran, Alpha Tauri – aligned with the Sun, and Antares aligned with the Moon

The energies of Aldebaran, located in the Taurus constellation, and within 5 degrees orb with the Sun during this Full Moon, support humanity in essential material ways. Aldebaran contributes to our physical well-being and motivates us to take tangible actions, fostering a sense of responsibility in shaping a world of abundance for both ourselves and our community. Positioned exactly opposite Antares in Scorpio activated during this Full Moon may initiate some sort of reckoning of how we use our resources. This could lead to a shift towards empowerment and more conscious appreciation of what we have or a dissolution of egotistical tendencies that involve hoarding resources for personal gain.

Janaina Tschape from “Estrelas conversando em voz alta”

Krittika Nakshatra

Krittika encompasses late Aries and early Taurus, ruled by the Sun, and Mars and Venus respectively. The Hindu deity that rules Krittika is Agni, the God of Fire who acts as the mediator between Heaven and Earth. He represents the sacred fire, used in rituals, meditation, and purification ceremonies which are particularly beneficial under the influence of this Moon Mansion. The other deity of this Nakshatra is Kartikeya, son of Shiva, whose foster mothers were the Krittikas known to us as the Pleiades, the most mythical asterism of our skies.

The first Decan of Taurus denotes more of a creative energy supporting the seeding of ideas (later Taurus is more material and business oriented. Taurus is a sign of strength and will power. Its focus is primarily on earthy and material matters, manifesting through concrete forms in the world. It rules the domains of: property, building, business, construction, home and family, stability and balance. As it is the earth fixed sign it expresses itself in persistent, industrious, determined and enterprising ways.

Taurus Constellation with Aldebaran and Pleiades

Pleiades, Origins of the Starseeds

Pleiades are known to all of the cultures under various forms, but with the common myth representing women – like in the Nebra sky disc.  The star asterism sits within one degree of Taurus, Sidereal: between 4°25′ (Electra) with 5° (Alcyone, the brightest star of the constellation) to 5°23′ (Pleione). In the Tropical system they are between 29 degree of Taurus and 0 degree of Gemini. During the Full Moon on May 23rd, Venus and Jupiter are both on 29° Taurus, Tropical.

Nebra sky disc dates back to the Bronze Age (circa 3600 BC) and features the oldest known concrete depiction of the cosmos. The Pleiades (known as Krittikas in Jyotish) are represented by the 7 stars right above the Moon and the Sun.

The Pleiades are a star cluster, situated on the shoulder of the Bull, also known as the Seven Sisters and Messier 45, or M45. Traditionally they were represented by six stars which are visible to the naked eye – see below Nebra sky disc, but there is another star, in many mythologies represented as the “lost” or “invisible” one. In Japan the Pleiades are called “Subaru”, in Persia “Soraya”, amongst Australian Aboriginal cultures they are known by many different names as each tribe has its own creation story associated with the Seven Sisters (Nyarluwarri or Yugarilya or the Maya-Mayi).

The Star Dreaming story of the Seven Sisters is one of the most popular ancient stories amongst Aboriginal Australia
Seven Sisters painting by Christine Jugarnu Collard and the Pleiades star cluster. (Image credit: Christine Collard, Yamaji Art) Source: AUSTRALIAN GEOGRAPHIC


The Sun at 2°55′ Gemini conjunct Jupiter and Venus and aligned with Pleiades opposing the Moon in at 2°55′ Sagittarius and aligned with Aldebaran within 5 degrees orb (The Heart of Scorpio as it’s actually the Scorpio constellation…) trine to Neptune brings the cosmic levels of compassion and transgressive power to critically evaluate the system and culture we live in. Aho!

With cosmic blessings,

Agni Jnana Yannanda, The One Who Speaks With The Stars

Mystic Fire, Jana Astanov’s Snake Charmer persona she got acquainted with  during one of her past lives regression sessions.