Gemini Full Moon. December 18th 2021 -Carpe diem.

The Gemini Full Moon energy is here to inject excitement with that precious feeling of carpe diem, as well as hope, in the midst of the Long Night’s Moon, the last Full Moon of the year! 

Dec 18th, 2021, 23:34 pm EST
the Moon at 27°28′ of Gemini, the Sun at 27°28′ of Sagittarius

The Full moon symbolises a peak of energies, and occurs when the Sun (the ego) opposes the Moon (the soul). This Full Moon in Gemini occurs on December 18th at 11:34 PM in New York (check your time zone accordingly). The last full moon of 2021 is known as a Cold Moon or a Long Night’s Moon according to the Farmer’s Almanac, which is a fitting description, as the Solstice nears, bringing the longest and darkest nights of the year. The Sun at 27 degrees 28 minutes of Sagittarius opposes the Moon at 27 degrees 28 minutes of Gemini, connecting us with our minds and encouraging our need to socialise, be in the world, talk things through and exchange ideas in order to understand and to learn. This heightened mental energy in the midst of the pandemic means that we need to find creative outlets for our need to communicate and be social. Making lists could be just what your analytical mind desires: places you want to visit in 2022, books you want to read or even write, art you are going to make, summer festivals to go to (greek -named variants notwithstanding)! Try also making a 2021 top 10 experiences list, choosing your favourite moments from the past year and planning ahead for the next year —-based on what has been the recent highlight! —-So many ways to channel the Mercurial flow! 

The major supportive aspect of this Full Moon is the Grand Air Trine between the Moon in Gemini, Jupiter at 28 degrees of Aquarius and the asteroid Hygeia, the Medicine Woman at 27 of Libra. The conditions are optimal for creative grounds in deep changes by the way we approach our health. If the Sagittarius sun has a tendency to generalise, thinking of the whole, and the society at large as in a rush to come up with the latest variant vaccine, Mercury, the ruler of this Full Moon, in its own sign of Gemini, possesses the ability to think analytically and critically. Take care of your own health on a micro level! Change your daily habits to support your immune system. Watch what you eat and drink: create a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods, and drink plenty of fluids, water, decaf teas with raw honey, lemon, ginger, turmeric, garlic… any favourites from your grandma Hygeia winter recipe! Also, reinvent your holiday season persona: no smoking, no alcohol, minimal stress, plenty of water and sleep! Choose what supports your body. Minimize physical exhaustion and emotional strife; strive to minimize stresses, which are often a contributing factor into why our immune system becomes compromised and succumbs to illness as a way of attempting to cope with impossible expectations and perpetual override mode.

Love yourself, love your body, teach yourself how to relax and rest, and simply be. You have the right to walk on this planet and be happy without proving anything to anyone – and that is also part of the teachings of Venus in embrace of Pluto in Capricorn. Venus turns retrograde, day after the Full Moon, you can read in depth about it here.

Retrograde phases are a good time to slow down, and to take a little extra time and care with communication. Yet it’s also possible to approach them as a journey of discovery and reclamation. As Venus turns retrograde once every year and a half, she makes us revise everything that concerns our relationships, beauty standards, value system, self-worth scale, and in case of the retrograde in Capricorn ruled by Saturn, also our relationship with the consensual reality, and how much we have sacrificed to comply to the external demands versus how well we fulfill our own needs. 

The duality of the Full Moon expresses itself through the axis of Gemini and Sagittarius. Mercury is focused on the details, while Sagittarius shows us the bigger picture. The Sun on its passage through Sagittarius accumulates worldly knowledge but in order to apply it to our lives we need to look at what is happening in Capricorn with Venus conjunct Pluto and Mercury in the first decan. In practical terms it means how we can apply our worldly wisdom to actualize ourselves and lead more authentic lives that support a healthy balanced lifestyle and aligned with evolutionary goals of our souls.

Ultimately, the Gemini Moon energy is here to inject excitement with that precious feeling of carpe diem, as well as hope, in the midst of the Long Night’s Moon, the last Full Moon of the year! 

Jana Astanov Shamanic Journey Trance, Local Project, 2019.

Agni Jnana Yannanda, The One Who Speaks With The Stars