Tea Master Yoshitsugu Nagano
will present a TEA CEREMONY
for the Closing of “MATERIAL WITNESS”
at the Williamsburg Art & Historical Center
135 Broadway, corner of Bedford Avenue
Williamsburg Brooklyn
In its 800 year history in Japan the Tea Ceremony has been considered another branch of the higher art forms, analogous to painting, music, dance, sculpture. Through its exposure to Zen Buddhism and Christianity it has continually evolved as an art, its nature deeply rooted in spirituality and religiosity. In this modern era, where art has transformed itself into an expression of individuality and intellectualism, the Tea Ceremony has remained true to its historical roots, a profoundly spiritual and meditative art form.
This Japanese Tea Ceremony follows from the SAMURAI tradition, when the Shogunate was first established by Minamoto Yoritomo in 1185. For the samurai, the tea ceremony developed into an important cultural attribute for the calming of the mind and to better deeply communicate with the spirit.
The Ueda Soko School, to which the Tea Master Yoshitsugu Nagano belongs, has inherited the samurai’s tea ceremony, and has continued this tradition in Hiroshima throughout the last 400 years. Yoshitsugu Nagano is the youngest master of tea ceremony to attain the highest rank in Ueda Soko School.
Through this Tea Ceremony Master Yoshitsugu Nagano would like to introduce and demonstrate the ceremonial form known as a “koicha,” which is said to have been influenced by a form of the Christian mass 400 years ago. Please enjoy this special world created by the interaction between Japan and the West that originated in the Middle Age.

About MATERIAL WITNESS exhibition:
1 : the matter from which a thing is or can be made
2 : the material rather than the spiritual world
1 : to bear witness : TESTIFY
2 : to bear witness to one’s convictions
ma·te·ri·al wit·ness
a witness whose evidence is likely to be sufficiently important to influence the outcome of a trial.
In this exhibition curator William Norton has assembled artists for whom the media is a large part of the message. As such these artists all bear witness with total conviction to the truth found in the usage and understanding of the information bound to their particular materials of choice. A change of material would invalidate that message.
September 14, 2019 – October 13, 2019
Opening September 14, 2019 from 4-8 pm
(Gallery hours Wednesday – Sunday from 12-6 pm during exhibition)
Participating visual artists-
Xiaowei Chen/ Yukari Edamitsu/ Daniel John Gadd/ Brandon Graving/ Samuelle Green/ Vieno James/ Sonomi Kobayashi/ William Norton/ Yuki Okamoto/ Ai Ohkawara/ Marcela Silva/ Etty Yaniv
Solo Show in the small gallery:
Natsuki Takauji
Opening Night Performance 6-7pm:
Dirty Churches
Williamsburg Art & Historical Center,135 Broadway (corner of Bedford Avenue), Brooklyn, NY 11211- (718) 486-7372
Director: Yuko Nii
Show Dates: Sat., Sept. 14,2019 – Sun, Oct. 13, 2019
This exhibition is funded in large part through a generous contribution from Jonah Engler
FB page event link: