Stars aligned. Sun’s transit through the Celestial Sea: Fomalhaut & Deneb

by Agni Jnana Yannanda
Featured art Jana Astanov, Beach Vagians, Future Life Progression performance, invoking and projecting the future in the spirit of Aquarian Waters, Art Basel, 2021.

In the month of February, the Sun is transiting through the area of the sky known as the Celestial Sea, aligning it’s solar energy with prominent stars including the Royal Star Fomalhaut at 9° Aquarius Sidereal / 3° Pisces, Tropical and the Head of the Galactic Cross star Deneb 10° Aquarius, Sidereal ‘ 4° Pisces, Tropical. The energies of these Stars are amplified by the Full Moon on February 24th, infused with the potent influences of Saturn and Mercury transiting through the same area.

What is the Celestial Sea?

Celestial Sea is the area of the sky encompassing the constellations associated with WATER: Capricornus, the sea-goat, Aquarius the Water Bearer, pouring out from the Water Jar into the open mouth of Piscis Austrinus with the star Fomalhaut, Hydor (meaning water) guiding the stream of the flowing water of Aquarius, then back along the Ecliptic the Pisces constellation, and below it, in the southern celestial hemishpere Cetus, the sea monster, and the Celestial River Eridanus, flowing in a meandering fashion from Hydrus, past Cetus and into Pisces.  

In Vedic astrology the water signs and constellations (Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces) are the signs of MOKSHA (enlightenment), while in the Slavic tradition the Water Goddess is MOKOSH which translates to WATER.

Star aligned with the Full Moon: Fomalhaut

Fomalhaut of Piscis Australis (the southern fish) lies within the constellation of Aquarius, south of the ecliptic, in the area known as the Celestial Sea. As Aquarius, the Water Bearer nourishing the body of humanity, representing the essence of the human society, Fomalhaut is the voice of humanity.

Aquarius, the Water Bearer appears above Piscis Australis – The Southern Fish, in the Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, published in 1822. In the illustration, water from the Water Jar of Aquarius is going into the Mouth of the Southern Fish.

Constellation of Aquarius with the stars pouring out from the Water Jar into the open mouth of Piscis Austrinus.

Prominent placement of Fomalhaut is a call to speak for humanity’s fundamental needs inspired by the Aquarian vision (water) of people’s freedom and equality. It brings intuitive understanding of how to achieve the evolution of the human society that serves all, and a compulsion to act on it as humanity’s spokeswoman.

Stars aligned with the Full Moon: Deneb

The star Deneb, the tail of the Swan marks the head of the Northern Galactic Cross. This white supergiant is one of the most luminous stars known, about 54 000 times of our Sun.

Deneb embodies unity consciousness representing our soul’s essence before fragmentation into gender, race, nation or religion. Androgynous in its representation, just like Fomalhaut, it stands for the unified humanity, beyond national and religious segregation.

Larger view – Star Astrology / Galactic Astrology & Fomalhaut

All four stars located in the fixed signs represent the occult power within the Zodiac: Regulus represents the power to create, Aldebaran the power to manifest on the earthly plane, Antares the power to transform, and Fomalhaut, the power to connect and build community. As the energies of Fomalhaut, in the constellation of Piscis Austrinus, represent the voice of humanity, this is the time to meditate and act upon the vision of the world we want to manifest. Whether through the Future Life Progression hypnotic trance or exercises to encode our future DNA with energies of love and unity.

Wishing you a peaceful Full Moon!

Agni Jnana Yannanda
The One Who Speaks With The Stars

Agni Jnana Yannanda, which translates from Sanskrit as Mystic Fire, is an astrologer and an artist living in the Shawangunk Mountains.