solstice ripples

by Jana Astanov

sometime during the night
some process started in her
and around her

she seemed able to exert some control
over the nature

racing hearts water enveloping 
bodies swelling
and surging
slippery wet shaking
anonymous mass of humanity 
under the cover
of the new moon  

at home in ecstasy 
the senses aware
of a dense forest 
lush vegetation
flowers in full bloom 
for fertility rites
reeds embracing
the lake shore 
rhythmic movement
in ruthless passion
ripples of water
ripples in spacetime
and strength 

each dark bulge of antimatter 
secretly wanting the universe
to watch

Rosekill 2017

photo collaboration Niko van Egten + Jana Astanov
performance She Who Manifests Life 
Summer Solstice &New Moon in Cancer Ritual, Rosekill, 2017

Jana Astanov is an interdisciplinary artist, a poet and an independent curator living in New York. Born in Poland she studied anthropology, philosophy, and linguistics in France, and arts in the UK. She is the author of five collections of poetry: Antidivine, Grimoire, Sublunar, The Pillow Book of Burg, and Birds of Equinox. Follow her on IG @Jana_Astanov & Twitter @JanaAstanov

Featured photo: Jana Astanov, Solstice Wreath – Nocturnal Magick.