by Agni Jnana Yannanda
featured artwork Claire Zakiewicz , Lunar Cycle 3, 6 x 6″, oil on panel, 2024
April 8th, 2024, 2:20 PM EST
Sidereal: Sun & Moon at 25° Pisces 12’, Revati Nakshatra
Tropical: Sun & Moon at 19° Aries 23′
Stars: Revati, Zeta Pisces at 24° 53′ Pisces, Sidereal
The eclipse season is a powerful vortex of energy that heralds changes and opens new possibilities, especially with the Total North Node Solar Eclipse! The influence of the March 25 Lunar Eclipse will combine with that of the April 8 Solar Eclipse to form an eclipse phase that lasts about six months up to the lunar eclipse on September 17, 2024. The North Node Solar Eclipse brings focus on our personal and collective dharma, the right way of living that makes life and the Universe possible. All that embodies the ethical choices: duties, rights, laws and virtues come into focus. Are we aligned with our dharma? Are we aligned with our soul’s calling? Does our culture and society reflect the ethical principle of “do no harm”? These are some of the questions to consider during this time.
Ancient scriptures suggest to stay calm and centered during the eclipses. Depending on your personal planets and points, if this North Node Total Solar Eclipse forms favorable aspects within your chart then you can expect it will have an energizing and strengthening effect, with new opportunities entering your life. However, If it forms challenging aspects to your personal planets and points you may experience more destructive tendencies, the feeling of overwhelm, impatience and hyperactivity.

Expect a positive increase of energy if you have personal planets in the fire signs between 9 to 29 degrees, also Gemini and Aquarius between 12 to 22 degrees.
This can be a challenging time for those with personal planets in cardinal signs of Cancer, Libra and Capricorn between 9 to 29 degrees.
Taurus and Pisces, you will feel it particularly strongly with powerful planetary aspects of Uranus and Jupiter approaching their conjunction in Taurus, and Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces.
Considering that this is the Total Solar Eclipse visible throughout the US, with the path of totality passing through Mexico, the USA and Canada, we shall all take to heart advice of the ancients to stay calm and centered during the eclipses. Do some type of soothing ritual, especially if it affects a planet or point in your chart. Throughout the entire eclipse season, do not make any rushed decisions. Stay centered, meditate, and observe what is flowing into your life during this time.
This interactive map shows the path of the totality of the Solar Eclipse throughout Mexico and the USA:

New York State – Path of the Totality of the Eclipse:
3:17 PM Jamestown
3:18 PM Buffalo and Niagara Falls
3:20 PM Rochester
3:25 PM Lake Placid
3:23 PM Syracuse and Watertown
3:26 PM Plattsburgh

With the Solar Eclipse in Revati, the final 27th Nakshatra, we have the opportunity to manifest from a place of higher awareness. Aim to achieve DIVINE PEACE by means of empathy and full understanding of other beings…
Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, the energies are present and the gravitational field of our Solar System suspended within the Milky Way galaxy affects us on both an individual and collective level. Stay calm, stay focus, surround yourself with those who love you and love them back!
I explain the details of how the eclipses are formed in my article from 2017 “The Demons Who Caused the Eclipse” , and the mythology of the eclipses originating within the Hindu tradition, in Mahābhārata “The Story of a Woman and the Snake”
Wishing you a peaceful eclipse day!
Agni Jnana