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Sarah playlist

Pisces Season Playlist

May this playlist hold you through all the waves of your emotions, this Pisces season. May your salty tears cleanse you, and remind you of the Ocean’s loving embrace. May acknowledging all of the parts of your own deep oceans bring you back into balance, and remind you of your infinite strength and capacity.

Strawberry Full Moon & the Solstice Portal

This period is ideal for grounding oneself, setting practical goals, and working towards achieving emotional and material stability. The challenge is to balance the energies of Capricorn and Cancer, finding harmony between our goals and ambitions and the need to act on our feelings and intuition.


This Full Moon on the Leo / Aquarius axis creates opportunities to understand the symbols and cycles that govern our civilization. Sun opposition Moon opens up the Aquarian Portal, showing us a glimpse of what is possible if the ego and soul energies resolve the polarity: the individual and the collective, the personal and the universal.

The Witches of Fire Island Chapter I: A Witch’s Holiday

As they approached Cherry Grove, one of the men pointed out the Belvedere to his partner.

“OH, you mean the Taj MahBALLS,” the other man replied.

It did resemble the Taj Mahal, standing proud on the water in all its glistening faux neoclassical splendor.

The Taj Mahal, the most world-renowned monument to heterosexual love in this world, so unlike the Belvedere, which famously did not allow women to step foot on its grounds.