by Agni Jnana Yannanda
featured artwork Hannah Yata
1° conjunction from May 25th to June 7th 2023
Jupiter conjunct the North Node has been in effect for a while. If we consider the conjunction within 10 degrees we have been under the influence of this particular aspect since May and it will affect us until mid July. However, considering Sidereal astrology – this aspect will affect us until Rahu moves to the Sidereal Pisces in October 2023.
The exact one degree conjunction of North Node Rahu and Jupiter takes place from May 25th to June 7th.
Any planet forming conjunction with the North Node, is a call to move away from the past, so as to experience new karmic lessons in this lifetime. Often, the person falls back onto the behaviours of the South Node, but each time this happens, the circumstances become so difficult that it is necessary to re-evaluate the potential of the North Node. Ultimately, there is a realisation that in order to fulfil one’s mission the person needs to embrace the quality of the North Node and all the novelty and challenges it presents with clear rewards that follow.
The Western take on the North-South Nodes on the Scorpio-Taurus axes always symbolises destruction and building. The reconciliation of this polarity takes place when you are able to constructively regenerate your own values without causing havoc in your life.

Note that within the Tropical system, Jupiter retrograde starts on September 4th and ends on December 30th with Jupiter at 5 degrees of Taurus, and the North Node at 21 Tropical Aries.
This particular energy has quite different meanings in Western and Vedic astrology, in my opinion they are both valid even if seemingly contradictory, but isn’t life paradoxical anyhow?
As Jupiter and the North Node, Rahu form a Grand Cross involving Pluto and Mars, I have written an in-depth article on the challenges and opportunities this cosmic order brings:
In Vedic astrology from where the symbolism of the Nodes came to the Western astrology, Rahu, the North Node, and Ketu, the South Node, are the demons. In case of the conjunction between the Great Benefic Jupiter GURU and the demonic Rahu, the Outcast CHANDALA, the head of the dragon that devours and never feels satiated, we are facing a challenging period known as GURU CHANDALA YOGA.
Last time we had the Jupiter / Rahu conjunction it was June 2016 – look back at what happened in your life back then to get more insights.
With the Guru Chandala Yoga, Rahu takes over Jupiter and aggravates all our weaknesses, known in Vedic scriptures as the Shad Ripus, the six enemies of man since the world existed. These six ripus (sins) are Lust (kama- especially sexual desire), Anger, Greed, Infatuation (or attachment), Intoxication (additions of any types) and Jealousy.
The main characteristic of Rahu is dissatisfaction, whatever the demon devours it remains hungry, perpetually wanting more. Knowing that, we can observe our actions in full awareness, and if needed curb the tendency to always expect more. There is no way to satisfy the demon, and the more we allow the desires (ripus) to control our lives, the less happy we remain.
Be aware of those tendencies, and watch out for insatiable streak in whatever you do. You have free will, and YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS. By evolving yourself to the highest level you can, you create a path for others who are one step behind you.
GURU CHANDALA + GRAND CROSS WORKSHOP online – Monday May 29th, 7-9pm EST
There is so much more to this aspect, and I will elaborate on it during the CREATRIX workshop on Monday May 29th, 7-9pm EST.
Everyone is welcome to join. We will begin with the birth and death charts of Tina Turner – she passed away as the transiting Pluto made opposition to her natal Pluto in Tropical Leo which is a classic death aspect. As always, I will look into the charts of those who register and send me their DOB data in advance – 10 minutes max per person, this is not a way to get a free reading as I will only analyze the effects of the current energies on your chart. We will be looking at each other’s charts as study material. FREE for CREATRIX friends, artists and writers, donations for everyone else.
As both Vedic and Western astrologer, I am going to include insights from both traditions – astro-syncretism has been a force of astrology development since the ancient Summer, Babylon, Egypt, India and Greece. After all, it’s about “maximum gain” with “minimum effort” – as in the statistical game theory – in service to others.
With cosmic blessings,
Agni Jnana Yannanda
The One Who Speaks With The Star

Agni Jnana Yannanda, which translates from Sanskrit as Mystic Fire, is an astrologer and Cosmic Serpent Journey shamanic prophetess, living in the Shawangunk Mountains, as The Lady of The Mountain, otherwise known as Ninhursag.