New Moon, between Heaven and Earth…

by Agni Jnana Yannanda
Featured artwork Tara Walters

November 13th, 2023, 4:26 AM EST
Tropical Sun & Moon at 20°43′ Scorpio
Sidereal Sun & Moon at 26°31’ Libra, Vishaka Nakshatra


As we are in the post-eclipse decompression period with the recent eclipses affecting us for the next 6 months, this New Moon can feel explosive. With the New Moon on November 13th at 20°43′ Scorpio, the Snake is shedding its skin, emotional depths and intensity are on the horizon as this New Moon feeds off the stressful tensions between Uranus and the Moon, Sun, Mars and Ceres. We will all feel quite unsettled during this time, and we will have to face the tensions between the reality we created for ourselves and the need for change (Uranian influence).  We are being called to develop critical judgement without being swayed emotionally as the energies are extra high and extremely intense.

The Scorpio Season

First there is the natural intensity of Scorpio, fixed, water sign. The waters it represents are the frozen ones, holding, and preserving. This New Moon can transmute our intentions and see them through realization.

The Scorpio archetypes support us on the journey of going deeper into the self. To know your shadow side and be able to accept it and work with it is the true emotional and spiritual mastery. Before we soar towards the promised land, we ought to face our fears, and that is the soul work championed by Scorpio.


In the Vedic chart the Moon and the Sun reside at 26°31’ Libra, in Vishaka Nakshatra. This Nakshatra ruled by Jupiter is described as the STAR OF PURPOSE, and stands for the power to achieve many things in life. It represents ambition, courage, persistence and intelligence.

The governing deity is Indra-Agni, merging of two of the main Gods of the ancient Vedic Pantheon. Indra being the King of the Gods, and Agni, God of Fire, is the second most important god who intermediates between Heaven and Earth. With this combination we get the feeling that we are following a purpose that is more important than anything else.

The symbol of Vishaka is a triumphant archway, leading us towards a distant goal with the ambition to fulfill a purpose so we can succeed and be worthy of recognition. As we deal with Vishaka’s intense energy it is important to aim for a higher goal seeking knowledge and spiritual wisdom rather than being driven by egoistic ambition.

Agni Jnana The One Who Speaks With The Stars