New Cycle of Reckoning. We came here to take care of each other and the planet.

Taurus Constellation

by Agni Jnana Yannanda

June 6th, 2024, 8:36 AM EST 
Sidereal: Sun & Moon at 22° Taurus 05’, Rohini Nakshatra
Tropical: Sun & Moon at 16° Gemini 17′

Stars: ALDEBARAN, Alpha Taurus 14° 47′ Taurus, Sidereal  
RIGEL, Beta Orion, Orion’s left foot, at 21° 50′ Taurus, Sidereal  
BELLATRIX, Gamma Orion, Female Amazon Warrior, at 25° 57′ Taurus, Sidereal  

This new Lunar Cycle begins on June 6th, 2024 with the New Moon in Tropical Gemini, Sidereal Taurus, and culminates on June 21, 2024 at 9:08 pm EST, as the Strawberry Moon.

Western Chart, Placidus

Karmic Lessons

Within this Lunar Cycle we are experiencing the culmination of the Venus retrograde from May-June 2020, with all the karma bearing planets involved: Pluto and the Nodes are activated making aspects to the New Moon, then there is also Mars squaring Pluto and Mars conjunct Chiron.

Pluto, in 135° sesquiquadrate to the New Moon with Venus, is highlighting reoccurring themes and difficulties – from Black Lives Matter to Anti-Genocide protests, the power structures upheld by the pact with demonic entities have little left to hold onto. Our light, your light is more powerful than the handful of ruthless greed driven leaders.

Channelling from the mountain top

Here is the message I received from the Venusian light on June 4th, 2024 (Venus Superior conjunction) meditating by the natural rock pool made of mountain quartz in the Shawangunks, my cosmic observatory:

We come to this planet to take care of each other and to be immersed in the beauty that arises from moksha, the planetary waters that bring life to all of us. We don’t need anything beyond that. All the desires that keep on spinning our minds and hearts are an illusion and distraction that doesn’t bring joy. There is nothing beyond clean water and air, and pure love that you need. Pure love… What does it mean to you?

Venus teachings

Venus, the Goddess of Beauty as ruler of Taurus, and the Goddess of Love as ruler of Libra, teaches that our quality of life is a reflection of our emotional state of being, which attracts experiences and relationships into our life. Considering our placement of Venus we learn what we need from our relationships in order to grow then we develop this heart intelligence throughout our lifetimes.

Vedic Chart

Rohini Nakshatra – prosperity and devotion

In terms of sidereal astrology the Newl Moon takes place at 22° Taurus 05’ within the Moon’s favourite Nakshatra Rohini. Rohini, entirely in the sign of Taurus, reflects the energies of Moon/Venus with focus on beauty, sensuality, charisma and charm. However, the primary motivation of this placement is moksha (spiritual liberation).

 The deity associated with this Moon Mansion is Prajapati, God of Creation, also seen in its form of Brahma, the creator of the Universe, who bestows creativity and talents in the sphere of fine arts. Therefore, placements in this nakshatra can bring tremendous artistic accomplishments, and with the New Moon we may all experience creative activation.

Rohini, translates from Sanskrit as “The Red One” or “The Growing One”. It consists of the five stars in the head of Taurus the Bull, with the red star Aldebaran, Alpha Taurus – the red eye of the bull. The symbol of this asterism is an ox chart or chariot, hence Rohini reflects the need for travel and movement.

Rohini is also known as “the star of ascent” bringing prosperity and prominence. Under its influence we are more likely to experience the transcendental meaning of love, as well as get involved in creative endeavors to the benefit of the society.

Aldebaran within Taurus constellation

With cosmic blessings,

Agni Jnana Yannanda, The One Who Speaks With The Stars