by Agni Jnana Yannanda
featured artwork, Claire Zakiewicz
Mercury Rx from Libra from 25°28′ to 10°07′
Retrograde phases are a good time to slow down, and to take a little extra time and care with communication. Yet it’s also possible to approach them as a journey of discovery and reclamation.
Mercury starts its retrograde motion on September 27th at 1:11am EST in the sign of Libra at 25°28′, and will continue the backward motion until October 18th when it reaches 10 Libra at 10°07′ of Libra. Mercury retrogrades are generally marked by a need for extra patience and diligence. Mercury retrograde in Libra, also demands that we are more careful how we communicate our ideas to others, it is also a good time to make any necessary amendments in our relationships, always trying to see the other person’s point of view.
Libra & the power of fairness
The sign of Libra represents fairness and honesty, therefore you may get a chance to rectify mistakes you made in the past or simply get things done fairly. Remember, being patient and willing to compromise is the most effective way of resolving past issues.
With the Mercury retrograde it is not unusual to rekindle a past love relationship, if this is something that is on your mind. This can turn either-way: you may find yourself anew and fall for each other again, or it can be the ultimate parting.
This period of time may offer you the opportunity to make things right, forgive yourself and others for the mistakes you made in the past, and focus on what you truly want from your relationships.
Air Signs MRx
The last two Mercury retrogrades in 2021 happened in Gemini and Aquarius, both being the air signs and in harmony with the energies of Mercury. The retrograde in the air signs is always an excellent time for any type of breathing exercises as well as yoga as it will calm down and clear the mind which will allow us to better concentrate.
Air sign Mercury retrograde brings on a lot of unusual or even weird ideas, which can also distort our communications with others, so make sure that you express yourself clearly, and try to avoid meaningless exchanges.
Upgrade your listening skills
Keep in mind that sharing some of these unusual ideas may help us to actually rethink concepts that have been haunting us, so it can be productive to share those with friends. Always remember that you also need to listen. Ask questions and pay attention to the answers. Slow down your speech and upgrade listening skills.
This is particularly important if you have any other personal planets in Cancer, Aries and Capricorn, as Mercury will most likely create challenging situations in the areas defined by the house placement. With Mars, Sun and the Moon these aspects are particularly intense. Tune in, and feel in instead of broadcasting to the world.
If your Ascendent or Sun sign is one of the air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) this retrogradation can be quite beneficial. It can be also positive, however, to the lesser extent, if you are a Leo or Sagittarius.
Journaling & psycho-geographical journeys as your spiritual practice
With the Mercury retrograde in the air sings, it is always advised to come back to journaling as a spiritual practice, however, avoid over-intellectualizing your feelings. If you are stuck in your head, find a companion to go for walks with, and watch the leaves turn yellow and red – grounding or forest bathing prove to be a great antidote. Make it physical, and explore your surroundings, turn it into a social gathering, or even a psycho-geographical journey!
Mercury Rx Codex
Slow down, think first then speak.
Upgrade your listening skills.
Revise the list of goals you want to achieve.
Give yourself more time before making any decision.
Don’t be hard on yourself – forgiveness is the key.
Don’t give up – it’s a karmic lesson in patience.
If this is an important time in your life and you need more insights for this particular Mercury transit, you can book 1h consultation with me for a personalized session focused on the Mercury Retrograde. Connect via IG @Jana_Astanov or email jana.astanov at gmail
Mercury retrograde through the houses:
12th House
Subconscious urges may take over you during this transit. Feelings of isolation, loss, depression or being misunderstood by the world are also likely. As a remedy make a conscious effort to work with your shadow side.
To know your shadow is to face what is hidden within yourself. Not an easy task, but find courage to dive into the dark side in order to redefine your needs and acquaint yourself with your soul’s hidden longings.
This is also the sea of the collective unconscious. Perhaps you can gain access to the secret gnosis of the world’s soul through the dreamwork or psychic communications. Share your findings with your community.
12th house mantras:
“I am here to attain peace within myself”
“I am aware of my own shadow, and I am able to transmute it”
11th House
Mercury Rx through the house of dreams, hopes, friends and the fruits of our work may cause your to revise your expectations. Dreams and hopes can change so this is a good time to try something new in our attitude towards life. Just like the Mercury Rx transit through Aquarius is the least chaotic, with 11th house Mercury activates our need for action and originality which is often expressed through looking at EVERYTHING from a new angle.
Spend some time in solitude as this can help you discover your new side.
11th house mantras:
“I manifest my dreams on the earthy plane”
“I support my community and my community supports me”.
10th House
Time to revise your ambitions and career plans. Are you happy with your public and professional position? The house of social standing invites these kind of questions helping you to direct your life towards a more fulfilling path.
Be particularly careful in your work place and avoid making mistakes during this period. Think of the legacy you are creating. Revise your public image. Try to get your dream job! Not less…
Mantra: “I turn my plans into reality!”
9th House
Cosmic meaning of life is one of the expressions of this house. See if during the Rx transit your life philosophy holds up to the changing circumstances. Brilliant time to take up a master class in the area of self improvement. If you gave up on higher education this is the time to come back to school. If this transit happens during the travels, be careful as you are out for a wild ride, with unpredictable events more likely to occur.
Focus on visualizing your life goals and desires. Do not doubt yourself.
Mantra: “Life is an adventure and I can move the mountains!”
8th House
Transit through the house of finances and sexuality will activate one of these areas causing some chaos. If you tend to attract the “wrong” kind of partners this is the time to analyze why. Are you attracted to people whose behavior you don’t want to acknowledge as your own?
Jealousy or obsessive behaviors are likely to intensify during this period. Don’t try to control other people, and do not let others control you. Any negative behaviour you notice within yourself can be shifted during this time. That includes putting up with toxic relationships.
If you give too much of yourself to others – that includes the finances – be aware of it. Your energy is all you truly possess and you have no obligation to give it endlessly. Learn how to balance the give / receive pattern so you don’t feel depleted. Also, it’s time to cut some cords! Goddess Kali style. If it doesn’t serve you it has to perish!
Also this is the time to come to terms with the negative expressions of the 8th house. What’s your relationship with money? If you think it will grow on the trees, revise your false beliefs. The same goes for foolish spending. Believe that any negative pattern can be changed, after all this is the house of transformation. Death and rebirth. Don’t be afraid. Be radical as this is an opportunity to deal with the deepest blocks.
8th house mantras:
“I take good care of my finances”.
“I am honest with myself and can face my demons in the daylight”
“My sex life is as sexy as I allow it”
“I am a powerful being on a spiritual path”.
7th House
Relationships are the area of heightened activity. Be careful, be mindful. Watch out how you speak to your partners, which also includes the business partners. Renegotiate terms of your engagement if needed. Stop the flight with an enemy and be on guard who your true friends are.
It’s a well known phenomena Mercury Rx passing through the 7th house brings back your past flings. Carefully consider if you truly want to engage. You can never enter the same river twice.
Mantra: “The love I experienced taught me about what I need to feel loved. I deserve what’s best for me.”
6th House
Expect there may be complications related to your work and health. Think what you would like to change in these areas of life and plan the best course of action. Come back to the regular exercise, and revise the conditions of your employment. It’s never too late to begin a healthy diet.
5th House
Children, creativity, sports and free love are under revision. Mantra: “I am rekindling the relationship with my inner child”.
Creativity: come back to an old hobby or analyze your current creative project carefully as perhaps it needs to be changed by 180 degrees. Don’t panic if your creativity isn’t at 100%. It’s a lesson in patience and perseverance.
4th House
The issues within your family and your home may arise. Things from the past may come back to haunt you. Take care of your apartment or your house, find all the little or big ways of improving it.
Mantra: “Seeing the past clearly helps me improve my future”
3rd House
Communication in general as well as brothers, sisters, your neighborhood and short trips are the focus of this transit. Revise your relationships and think of ways of improving them.
It’s an excellent time to back up all your files, hard drives, and photos! Make the most of the Gemini analytical skills and return to the articles / essays / books you have written – it’s an opportunity to improve them and finish!
2nd House
What are your priorities in life? Who are the most important people in your life? What are the most important goals in your life? Revise your attitude towards what you value. This should also include your financial and material situation.
Does your lifestyle support the values you believe in? If your self-worth needs an upgrade this is the perfect time to work with the inner image. “I am worth more than I think” is a good mantra.
1st House
Do you need to change the way you act within the social situations or perhaps the way you look or the way you are being perceived by others? Even small changes may shift how you interact with the outside world. Be mindful of your reputation and strive to come across as genuine.
Revisit your past and reconsider the person it made you, are you still hiding behind the mask of your childhood?
If you receive a second chance, take up the challenge.

Agni Jnana Yannanda
The One Who Speaks With The Stars