by Agni Jnana Yannanda
image, Jana Astanov Triple Moon Goddess performance Venice Biennale, 2019, photo by @markedwardsmithve
November 19th, 2021, 3:57am EST
the Moon at 27°14′ of Taurus, the Sun at 27°14′ of Scorpio
This is a very special eclipse as it will be visible in the US so we can all see it if you are going to stay up! Or you can watch the live stream here:
The Eclipse season is a time of reckoning, revelations, and let’s say it loud and clear – COSMIC DOWNLOADS – defined by the current planetary energies and the effect they have on your personal chart, especially when they aspect your personal planets and points. The eclipse season is a powerful vortex of energy that heralds changes and opens new possibilities. Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, the energies are present and the gravitational field of our Solar System suspended within the Milky Way galaxy affects us on both an individual and collective level.
Eclipses take place when the Sun and the Moon are within 10 degrees from the Moon’s Nodes. In short, during the New Moon we experience the Solar Eclipse and on the Full Moon – Lunar Eclipse.
The Full Moon in Taurus and the Lunar Eclipse take place on November 19th at 3:57 am EST, with the Moon at 27 degrees and 14 minutes of Taurus, and the Sun at 27 degrees and 14 minutes of Scorpio. For the Jyotish, Vedic analysis with stars analysis, follow this link:

Prosperity consciousness
On a personal level, lunar eclipses represent the lessons important for our soul’s emotional development. With the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus the lesson is to embrace the prosperity consciousness.
If in the past you were programmed that spirituality doesn’t agree with money and prosperity, this Lunar eclipse in Taurus presents the opportunity to revise these beliefs, and stop undermining your chances for abundance. Let’s face it. There are many self-sabotaging strategies we deploy, from talking yourself down to never taking that first step… If you ever experienced self-destructive behaviour around money, or if you ever felt mistrust towards those who have money, this is the time to transmute those false attitudes and embrace the proper prosperity consciousness. Who said that money and spirituality can’t go hand in hand? Don’t be fooled by the hyper consumerist late capitalist structures of the West; hoarding resources by the elites has nothing to do with the prosperity consciousness! We all deserve a decent standard of living, universal housing, healthcare and education. The basis of our society, indeed, the societal superstructure in which it prospers, needs to be shaken up so as to accommodate basic human rights. We have the right to reject the reality of our economic system if it only serves a small handful of privileged people.
Truly, our society isn’t an example of equal distribution of resources, so the task of healing needs to permeate not only the individual consciousness but the entire civilization. We all feel it and we all know that working more and harder isn’t going to help us become more affluent in a system that is rigged and broken (a great read on the topic of labor “Work Won’t Love You Back: How Devotion to Our Jobs Keeps Us Exploited, Exhausted, and Alone” by Sarah Jaffe)
Eclipses take place around the same degree of the Zodiac in 19 year intervals – called the metonic cycle. Every 19 years we come back to certain themes, so this is our chance of learning our lessons, each time on a higher level and with a greater complexity. Look back at what was presenting itself in your life 19 years ago to see if the same themes repeat again, and to better know how to handle the energies.
Harnessing the energy currents
With Pluto at 24 degrees of Capricorn forming a trine to the Moon, and a sextile to the Sun, we are fortunate to have access to the Plutonian energy which should never be taken lightly but with a great deal of care and responsibility. This can be a time of empowerment through opportunity and advancement. You are likely to align yourself with others who may be in a position of power and who can help you achieve your goals.
With the strong Pluto influence and the asteroid Vesta at degree of Sagittarius conjunct the South Node, we may be experiencing elevated levels of intensity. Both Pluto and Vesta create a single minded focus which can turn into obsessive behaviour. Yannanda will be obsessively diving into the Universe and if you are near New Paltz you can join 7:30pm Eclipse Planetarium session at the SUNY New Paltz.
With Jupiter at 24 degrees of Aquarius squaring both the Moon in Taurus and the Sun in Scorpio there is a tendency to exaggerate things in the area where Jupiter influences your chart. During this time, simply maintain a sense of balance and do not overdo anything; don’t be swayed off track and do not compromise your principles.
Eclipse influence in your personal chart
Anything that occurs globally that has great power and influence is certain to affect us. If the degrees of the eclipses concur with a point or planet in our charts, then it will cause occurrences as if we were experiencing an outer planet transit. But even if we do not have anything on personal points or planets, the eclipses will always fall in a house in our chart. It is important to see the area of your chart where the nodes and eclipses fall and if they hit a planet or personal point in your chart (especially when it is combined with a retrograde) it will activate that point, bringing things to light that the planet or point represents, sometimes positively and sometimes negatively, but be prepared for something to be activated.
Lunar Eclipse Ritual
Remember, the ancient scriptures advise to stay focused, meditate, and reflect so that you will have strength to live through whatever the eclipses bring.
As the eclipse takes place at 4am I suggest meditating on a candle flame just before going to bed. During the meditation, use the candle as a mental focal point to help you cultivate awareness. As the element of fire has a mystic dimension and transformational power, this ritual can help you harness the energy to inspire personal growth and actualize the expression of the spirit within.
I personally call this ritual my Fire Guides. As the eclipse signifies the occultation of the Lights (the Sun and the Moon) the fire meditation can help us keep our inner light bright. Choose between white, silver or gold candles that represent the light. The Moon is associated with silver, and the Sun with gold, therefore, on the Lunar eclipse the silver or white candles would be alchemically aligned with the cosmic energies. Then follow these 8 simple steps:
- Sit in front of the candle, and with a relaxed gaze focus on the flame.
- Keep your focus on the candle flame, allowing everything else to soften.
- Count to 4 with each inhale, hold it counting to 7, and exhale counting to 7.
- Feel the wave of peace as you inhale, and on the exhale empty your mind from all thoughts.
- Focus on the flame, and when you feel ready, close your eyes.
- Rest with eyes closed for as little as 5 minutes, but you can also maintain your meditation for longer if you wish.
- When you are ready to open your eyes, look into the flame again – does it have a message for you? Can you see any particular shapes? Can you hear your inner voice? Did meditation bring you some resolution?
- Spend some time writing down the occult teachings of the sacred fire.
What causes the Eclipses?
The Nodes are the ones responsible for the eclipse. Rather than planets with shape or mass, the Nodes are simply the places where the orbit of the Moon intersects with the “orbit” of the Sun. The point formed after the Moon has traveled from South to North is called the Ascending Node, or North Node.
In western astrology, the Nodes are considered to be points of evolution. The South Node is where we are comfortable, or where our past life has been and therefore we stay at that comfort level. The North Node is the place we are compelled to move towards in order to evolve and be the best we can be. Ultimately we must balance the two points, that is, the signs and houses.
The Moon’s Nodes responsible for the eclipses are also called the Dragons in Vedic astrology from where the symbolism of the eclipses originated. For the original story of the Eclipses check out my article: THE STORY OF A WOMAN AND THE SNAKE, in which I relate the Hindu myth about the churning of the ocean of milk, and how the Nodes and eclipses were formed. It is an important event in Hindu philosophy, and the most common form of the story is from the Mahābhārata – perfectly describing the symbolism of the Nodes and Eclipses.
In Vedic astrology the Dragons, are in fact the Demons who caused the eclipse, which you can learn more about in the article THE DEMONS WHO CAUSED THE ECLIPSE.
Lunar Eclipse insights based on Sidereal Vedic system + STARS analysis:

Agni Jnana Yannanda, The One Who Speaks With The Stars