scorpio full moon happenings
i hear it’s a pretty bold move to release a feature-length youtube video, especially for a debut.
while i suppose that’s true for the average person, feels pretty regular to me.
see, if there’s one thing i’ve been good at – and consistent about – it’s talking — generally to no one in particular, for my own pleasure, entertainment, and catharsis. the difference, this time, is that after eight years [and 1300+ unreleased hours] of recording rambling musings, ecstatic epiphanies, and awkward attempts at self gnosis + diagnosis,
i’m sharing with the public at large, for the first time. and, unlike many of these other recordings captured from 2013 – 2019 — which will remain unseen and unheard forever (because i deleted them — yes all 1300+ hours) — this one is an emblem of evolution that isn’t striving for perfection.
this video, unassuming and imperfect as it is, recorded on the front camera of my iphone, is a good faith deposit in the co-creative witching well of my wildest dreams:
a world where i am a publicly prolific, multi-hyphenate, professional artist, embraced first and foremost by my own self, published + propelled forward into center stage by my own will and that of the audience + artists who resonate with my transmissions, eager to hold me accountable for never again hoarding my treasure chest of gifts:
- my voice – written, spoken, rapped, and sung;
- my experiences – whether extraordinary or banal, humbling or proud, there is wisdom for us all in sharing vulnerably;
- my style;
- my life as poetry, expressed through music, visual symphonies, and
- the greatest gift i can give my self and others – presence.
with that, i thank you for your presence, your willingness to vibe with me over a tea, a witchy smoke – refreshments of your choice – as you feel called to converge your current timeline with a moment in mine –
no expectation or strings attached — because this one, is for me* – and all the folx searching youtube for more than just gardening videos about the greatest orchid cactus of all time, Queen of the Night — a flower that in itself is an event, blooming only once a year, for a few hours at night, closing back up by dawn, never to bloom again, until (maybe) next year.
in some ways, for years, i have been like that flower, publicly blooming once (or twice) a year, only to retreat into a fortress of crippling perfectionism, under the guise of getting “ready” for “that time when”…
turns out the time is now. the time is always now. and tuning into immediacy has been immensely rewarding. even the Queen of the Night flowers on my porch have honored me with three consecutive nights of blooms – perhaps, i will be granted a fourth – and that is a very, very lucky thing i’d be remiss to dismiss, without initiating a worthy honorarium,
one where i become a living ode of their medicine, ever-expanding their legacy beyond those few hours where, perched upon a terrace among the highest branches of a lush hawaian-esque tree, they bloomed under the stunning gaze of the scorpio full moon, for the pleasure of the secret creatures, like me, that go bump in the night, beyond even the peripheral awareness of unsuspecting passerby.
so, as a priestX of many covens, today i offer big, big, biggest thanks to one of my most esteemed coven captains,
high priestX, Jana Astanov, founder of CREATRIX mag,
for inspiring me to be an everblooming, perma Queen of the Night in many, many ways that she may not even fathom,
does and really, the joke is on me, and she sees it all coming (after all, she did create the astro game theory course of the century, CREATRIX CODEX)!
either way,
Jana, thank you for literally ordering me to make poetry and art out of my being.
heretofore, forevermore, i declare:
i am a ceaseless CREATRIX – a juicy slurp of the cosmic cunt ever-birthing pleasurable poetic presence into inter-dimensional tapestries of artistry.
**drops mic** (finally, lol)
* at the time of publishing, part 2 of this Queen of the Night series is uploaded on the BitchWitch Botanica YouTube page; part 2 focuses more on the physical creation of the final flower essence mothers, crafted with exquisite artisanal mezcals of the nearly ungoogleable variety.
(also the lighting is better, lol).
keep an eye out and stay tuned!

PRSTXKNWBDY aka KYNGA THAMONSTAS is a multi-hyphenate creatrix, seeing eye dragon, dance floor power ranger + infinite rambler of all existential things. her ability to speak forever before an audience of none to hundreds, thousands is curtailed (as if) only by its silent cousin – word bending on paper.
established with all jokes inside, at the tail end of the sovereign siren of all petty tyrants (the year 2020), bitchwitch botanica is a convergence of covens activating + initiating integration thru art + healing as a peer to peer experience.
inclusive af, these days, you can usually spot kynga thamonstas lounging with the scorpions, vultures + lizards in patches of sun, sippin cute herbal infusions + smoking witchy spliffs, while diving heart first and head second into the world wide interverse of sound curation + music production, doing her part as a creatrix to further catalyze the coochie revolution with all her artbaes.
connect with PRSTXKNWBDY + the BITCHWITCH BOTANICA fam gang on the interwebs via their link trees: