by Agni Jnana Yannanda
featured artwork Paula Nicho Cúmez, Ruk’ux Kaj Heart of the Sky, Oil on canvas, 2010, 15″ × 20″
April 23rd, 2024, 7:47 PM EST
Sidereal: Moon at 10°06′ Libra (Swati Nakshatra), Sun at 10°06′ Aries (Ashwini Nakshatra)
Tropical: Moon at 4°17′ Scorpio, Sun at 4°17′ Taurus
Stars: SYRMA Star of Atlantis, Sidereal 8° Libra 48′
This new lunar cycle began with a powerful Solar Eclipse on April 8th and culminates on April 23rd with the Full Moon in Tropical Scorpio and Sidereal Libra. Whatever emerged for you during the Solar Eclipse will resolve or intensify during this Full Moon illuminating your understanding of the situation from a deeper psychological level.
The main aspect of this Full Moon is the T-square, with Pluto at 2 degrees of Aquarius as an apex squaring both the Sun and the Moon. Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld, and the Magician of the Zodiac, is also the ruler of this Full Moon, so be ready for aspects of your life to transform, or perish. Scorpio rules the hidden parts of your psyche, while Pluto reveals where we most covertly resist change, therefore also showing us where we have the opportunity to rise above personal fears.

Pluto, the generational slow-moving planet calls upon us to collectively acknowledge a concept of personal responsibility. On a global level, Pluto tests the structures of our political and economic systems, based on a sense of moral and ethical integrity. We became all codependents of a system that is not functioning, that is, taking more than it can give. This imbalance creates a distorted sense of responsibility within us all, for the system is failing us and we need to transform it, and assume greater personal accountability for the impact we have on our world.
If you have any aspect or points in the first decan of the fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, this is going to be an intense full moon for you. Avoid power struggle and look deep inside you to find peace within your heart.
Pluto brings the opportunity to align with the highest calling, attuned to the idealistic, selfless expressions of Plutonian energies. Its immense powers are best expressed when used for the greater good, and not the egotistical self serving results. Keep that in mind, and let the principle of the common good guide your actions.
Vedic chart

Wishing you a peaceful full moon!

Agni Jnana Yannanda, which translates from Sanskrit as Mystic Fire, is an astrologer and an artist living in the Shawangunk Mountains.