Full Moon of Divine Peace

Aim to achieve DIVINE PEACE by means of empathy and full understanding of other beings…

by Agni Jnana Yannanda

featured artwork Betye Saar, “The Palmist Window” 1967,

October 9th, 4:54 PM EST
Tropical, Sun in Libra 16º32′, Moon in Aries 16º32′
Sidereal, NeoVedic: REVATI NAKSATRA

The Full Moon on October 9th, known as the Hunter’s Moon or the Migrating Moon (as many bird species start migrating during this time) shines the light onto our relationships and how we balance the need to relate and be part of a community with our ego’s desires.

The Sun at 16º32′ of Libra conjunct Venus opposes the Moon at 16º32 of Aries conjunct Chiron at 14 degrees of Aries with a sextile to Saturn in Aquarius offering somber but well grounded support.

The duality of the Full Moon expresses itself through the axis of Aries and Libra: desires and needs of the self, and the need to negotiate our social reality with others. The ego driven, self-centered Aries is balanced by the opposing sign of Libra representing equality, diplomacy and relationships we form with others. In order to lead a happy, fulfilling life we must hold in balance the individual sense of self and assertiveness with sensitivity to the needs of others. Just like Mars shows us how to stand up for ourselves, the ruler of Libra Venus teaches us about love: self-love, self-worth and love for others. 

The ruler of this Full Moon, Mars at 22º Gemini forms the Grand Air Trine with Saturn at 18º Aquarius conjunct Vesta, and the Sun at 16º Libra conjunct Venus connected to the Moon in Aries through the sextile with Saturn. This is quite energizing, beneficial, easy flowing, supportive energy, especially if you have any planets between 13 and 25 degrees of Air signs you are going to feel activated and supported by the forces of the Universe with the unlimited energy to conceptualize, formulate and pursue your goals. It’s the time to shine, experiencing deep emotional connection with the general feeling of being in the FLOW!

Betye Saar, Palm of Love, 1966 Etching with relief printing 48×66 cm.


With the Moon in Revati, the final 27th Nakshatra, and the Sun in Hasta we have the opportunity to manifest from a place of higher awareness. Hasta is the Nakshatra that grants us our wishes, represented by an open hand in a gesture of receiving and located entirely within the Virgo constellation which in itself is associated with harvest and abundance. As the Moon is transiting through Pisces, together with Jupiter, currently at 7 degrees of Sidereal Pisces, in the Uttara-Bhadrapada, this can be particularly positive period of time, highlighting the Jupiter-Guru spiritual dimension and consciousness expanding quality with the Moon’s nourishing placement in Revati represented by fish, symbol of learning and movement.

It is important to be particularly aware of our relationships, how we approach those we love, and how our actions affect them with Venus in close proximity, appearing lost in the glare of the Sun (combust), or overshadowed by the ego driven Solar energies. Aim to achieve DIVINE PEACE by means of empathy and full understanding of other beings…

Whether you follow Western astrology, and the Tropical Zodiac, or Vedic astrology and the actual constellations, do not forget to look up to the sky, and marvel over the beauty of the autumnal starry heavens!

With Cosmic Blessings,

Agni Jnana Yannanda, The One Who Speaks With The Stars