by Agni Jnana Yannanda
featured artwork Louise Bourgeois
May-June 2023, Fixed Grand Cross, Tropical
Energy vortex
Collectively, we are in the cosmic energy of the Grand Fixed Cross, Tropical system which began in May and is in effect until the end of June. This is the most challenging astrological configuration, you can every read about, especially with the male archetypes of Mars and Pluto opposing each other (in the second half of June Mars will be replaced by Venus as the Leo point of the Cross) and squaring the nodes with Jupiter conjunct the North Node. As an immediate advice I suggest to avoid any contagious situations: walk away from conflict, also walk in the nature to release the energy to the earth, look for people who have soft energies to this aspect such as trines and sextiles as they may be your guides on how to handle this energetic vortex.
The most challenging period is May 31-June 1st as the Moon enters Tropical Scorpio together with the South Node. For anyone with planets in early fixed signs and third decan of cardinal signs it is advised to embark on a deep spiritual search into the past to transmute any pain, difficulty and deep wounding that are still controlling your life. You may well emerge from this journey with new tools of understanding, and loving oneself and others in this hard core dense human-Earth reality-simulation.

Allow yourself a gift of meditation, in nature, at home, listening to the cleansing power of water – Moon and Ketu in fixed Tropical Scorpio. Let the wisdom of MOKSHA purify your mind (Sanskrit enlightenment, PraSlavic Mokosh Goddess of Water).
If you don’t follow spiritual daily practice, I encourage you to mediate daily during the week beginning on May 29th. Allocate as little as 10 minutes each day but be systematic. Or take yourself on a vision quest and see what images come to you – meditate on your own chart or the Grand Cross chart, you are welcome to read my article and ask the Source for wisdom and guidance. Ask your subconscious to bring you what you need: tools, teachers, circumstances and people who are loving and caring, delightful to be with and wise so you can be each other’s guides.
Nobel Prize aspect
The Grand Cross, especially in the Tropical fixed signs, is the hardest astrological configuration that I can think of… But it is also what I call the Nobel Prize aspect. However, if you are able to rise above lower expressions of pain and despair, then you have a chance to achieve far more than any soft aspects like trines or sextiles would ever grant you!
This is the Nietzschean: what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!
With masculine archetypes Mars and Pluto opposing each other and squaring the nodes (with Jupiter conjunct the North Node!) this could be a very challenging time.
First of all, this Grand Cross takes place between the North Node (demonic Rahu) in Tropical Taurus, Sidereal Aries, conjunct Jupiter, Mars in Tropical Leo, Sidereal Cancer, South Node (demonic Ketu) in Tropical Scorpio, Sidereal Libra – conjunct the Moon on June 1st, and finally Pluto at the very beginning of Tropical Aquarius, and Sidereal Capricorn.
Mars has been an active agent of the Grand Cross since it entered Tropical Leo on May 20th. Mars is our ability to assert our desires on reality – in short – how we can get what we want. However, Mars in a hard aspect to Pluto, a slow moving planet, is put on a leash with a muzzle, and is likely to fight it… To all the early tropical Leos – if you have been struggling in May, I can confirm, it’s real and possibly traumatic. As both Saturn and Pluto are slower than Mars they have the upper hand on our ability to assert ourselves. The only consolation I can see right now, is to revise our wants and needs under the scrutiny of Pluto and Saturn, and the shadowy residues of the South Node in Scorpio which Mars rules.
Mars reaches 10 degrees of tropical Leo on June 7th but that’s also another hit of the Grand Cross with Moon conjunct Pluto, and this time it is going to be even more explosive. Avoid any suspicious places and characters as this is a classic aspect of all human creepy crawlies showing up.
Venus under the cross fire!
On June 12 Mars finally moves away from the Grand Cross but then Venus enters the Grand Cross…under the fire of the male archetypes of Pluto, Jupiter and both Nodes, she is not going to shine her brightest and that affects our ability to relate to others. Check the position of Venus in your chart, by sign and house, and any aspects she has. As always – meditate and journey as you have all the answers within – listen to your inner cosmic guides.

If you have Venus or any personal planet in early Cancer that will sextile Taurus North Node and trine Scorpio South Node or Libra ruler of Venus with sextile to Venus in Leo and trine to Saturn in Aquarius, you may use your soft aspects to guide others on how to cope with the challenges of the Grand Cross. I always advise people to find friends and partners with complimentary aspects so you can learn from each other and alleviate difficulties caused by challenging alignments.
From June 19th Venus is released but we still have the T-square between Jupiter at 7 Taurus, conjunct Rahu at 2 Taurus, opposing South Node Ketu, with Pluto Rx at 29, Tropical Capricorn.
The madness of the hard aspects finally ends by the end of June, and we are going to enter July with more peace loving planetary energies. Nevertheless, if you unleash some deep wounding or allow yourself to enter a full blown trauma response during the month of June, you will be dealing with humongous stress for the rest of the year – I mean it!
Tread lightly and be aware that the cosmos is offering all these intensity for our collective and individual development. You need to show up and be ready to acknowledge the shadow and be willing to work with it.
Be truly willing to face the darkness and aware of all your trauma responses so you are not acting out from the place of subconscious triggering but in full loving awareness of your strengths and weaknesses.
The sky’s the limit…
Ultimately, the Fixed Grand Cross is the Nobel Prize aspect – you may keep your affairs in order and reach for the sky! This energy can propel you to achieve far greater results than what you think you are capable of, as long as you avoid the pitfalls and don’t bruise anyone on your journey to success.
…as long as you are aware of your South Node in Scorpio residues
With strong Pluto, any selfish egoistic actions will be punished accordingly in due time so if your success is based on a purely self-gratifying basis be aware. I said it – all the strong Scorpio people this is the time of reckoning. With the Taurus North Node and the Scorpio South Node in the Tropical system, collectively we are facing the darkest corners of our souls, and all the demons that lure from under socially maintained personas, and Instagram filters. Fixed Grand Cross will pierce through the false like the ancient Goddess of Death, whose name is TRANSFORMATION.
Jupiter / North Node-Rahu conjunction article:
GRAND CROSS WORKSHOP online – Monday May 29th, 7-9pm EST
There is so much more to this aspect – I have written an article on the conjunction of the North Node and Jupiter with the Vedic take on it known as the GURU CHANDALA YOGA which I will share during the CREATRIX workshop on the Grand Cross energies, Monday May 29th, 7-9pm EST.
Everyone is welcome to join. We will begin with the birth and death charts of Tina Turner – she passed away as the transiting Pluto made opposition to her natal Pluto in Tropical Leo which is a classic death aspect. As always, I will look into the charts of those who register and send me their DOB data in advance – 10 minutes max per person, this is not a way to get a free reading as I will only analyze the effects of the current energies on your chart. We will be looking at each other charts as study material. FREE for CREATRIX friends, artists and writers, donations for everyone else.
As both Vedic and Western astrologer, I am going to include insights from both traditions – astro-syncretism has been a force of astrology development since the ancient Summer, Babylon, Egypt, India and Greece. After all, it’s about “maximum gain” with “minimum effort” – as in the statistical game theory – in service to others.
With Cosmic Love
Agni Jnana Yannanda
The One Who Speaks With The Stars