
homesteading era


Creatively, that is what I miss most right now: in-person community. The emotional presence that comes from physical presence cannot be replicated online. We can still form connections in virtual spaces, but they’re different than the connections we form in physical spaces.

Being & Happiness


by Steve Finbowphotos by Elisa Garcia de la Huerta It was early evening at the end of June 2019, and I was looking out…

Estudio de agua / Water Study


Estudio de agua por Esteban Acosta Eliminado el sentidoen silencio lo sensorialbucea agudo sin pretenderla esencia de la mirada. Ondulantes y elásticaslas comisuras del…

The Facial Angle


Translation of El Ángulo Facial, by Luis VidalesAntología Poética, 2006Translation by Tony Oats. The Facial Angle When they introduced me to him, I was…

which is noblest


Tony Oats’ Colombian Spanish translation of ATM 1 poem by Stewart Home from his latest “SEND CA$H” collection. ATM 1 There are 3 ways…

The Invisible Deers


By Miah Artola The Invisible Deers  My first healer was irritated and said I needed to take myself in hand. This did not help…

no single form of death has an essence


There is a difference between the ‘is’ of identity and the ‘is’ of prediction. There is no single thing that is death, AND there is no single property which the many forms of deaths share. For that matter, no single form of death has an essence. We thus live not so much in a patchwork quilt of death, but a kaleidoscope of deaths.

City of Personal Mythologies


We know that patriarchy and its neoliberal offspring have destroyed the planet and quite nearly destroyed us, and we know that the answer to this path of destruction lies in unlocking the secrets of the brujas and the xamans and connecting with Mother Earth and tuning our lives to Her.