CREATRIX CODEX. Astral Gnosis and The Occult Feminine.
byCourse led by Agni Jnana Yannanda CREATRIX CODEX. Astral Gnosis and The Occult Feminine.April 11th – May 30thEvery Sunday 11-1pm EST Many of us…
Course led by Agni Jnana Yannanda CREATRIX CODEX. Astral Gnosis and The Occult Feminine.April 11th – May 30thEvery Sunday 11-1pm EST Many of us…
During the Full Moon we experience an energizing Grand Air Trine between the Moon in Libra, Mars conjunct North Node in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius. This is the most beneficial, easy flowing, supportive energy so if you have any planets between 5 and 15 degrees of Air signs you are going to feel activated and supported by the forces of the Universe with the unlimited energy to conceptualize, formulate and pursue your goals. It’s the time to shine, experiencing deep emotional connection with the general feeling of being in the FLOW!
March 20th at 5:38am EST affecting us for the entire year! Spring Equinox is here! March 20th is marked by a potent cosmic opening….
With the The Sun-Moon-Neptune-Venus stellium in Pisces, this New Moon represents a dreamy state of possibilities and an opportunity to awaken our Inner Visionary, The Dreamer, and the Mystic to mention the potent and positive expression of these energies which is what we hope to bring forward as the Triple Moon GoddeXx CREARTIX coven.
by The Source aka Sofy YuditskayaA compilation of new and old poems read as one I have flown over America in the middle of…
The archetype of Virgo, brings us back to the origins of our civilization and the first accounts of astrology as the cosmic religion. In the ancient Sumer, when astrology followed the movement of celestial objects, like Joytish / Hindu astrology still does, the most important, live-giving deity was known as Inanna, with her symbolism as the Goddess of Love, the most powerful force in the Universe.
To honour our place within the Solar System, on the Spaceship Earth, and to integrate the occult transmissions of the artists and poets we will open the event with the mystic ritual by Arantxa Araujo and close our virtual circle with the poetry of Sofy Yuditskaya who will transmit from the Desert Temple at the Sunset.
The symbolic polarity of the Pisces/Virgo axis is expressed as logic versus intuition. Therefore, this Full Moon calls upon finding material forms for our spiritual, intuitive, and mystical experiences. With the Sun in transcendental Pisces, and the Moon in practical, grounded, and deliberate Virgo, we have an opportunity to balance these energies, and encounter resolutions that will help us integrate Spirit with Matter.