
The Priestess of 3rd Avenue


When she received clients, she felt connected to the vast lineages of temple priestesses, light workers and sacred prostitutes who had come before her. The powerful women who assumed the daunting task of healing traumatized men through the only language they understood- sexual release.

Cosmogonic Connection


Similarly to indigenous, ancient and mythical explanations of the origin of the universe, the cosmogonic connection to the world present in these bodies of work is translated by an attitude of understanding the world as one entity, which needs to be nurtured and respected in all its aspects; it is translated by a view of the world that does not put the human element above nature, and finds relevance in all small things.

Sapphic Awakening on the Banks of the Seine


She turned her attention to me one last time, pushing me hard against the old stones to look deeply into my eyes.  Her pale green irises seemed especially bright against the wet, black lashes.
“Merci,” she said, her features softening.  And then she released me.

Birds and Butterflies


by Monika from the Blue House Every woman is presently embodying the ideal body shape of some time-space period or other, as revealed to…

New Moon in Leo. August 8th. Cosmic Portal Activation.


The Sun symbolizes our identity, individual destiny, and the power of creative expression, which are the qualities attributed to the sign of Leo: self-expression, self-knowledge, self-realization. The energy of this New Moon directs us towards the deeper psychological and spiritual meaning of the Sun where the conscious and unconscious unify in a person.