
Gemini New Moon. Manifesting on the Earthy Plane.


During the Gemini season expect things to accelerate. Gemini is about change and accomplishing things in a new way: test your ideas as you go along; try things in the spirit of fun and spontaneity, and if you are not satisfied, consider trying them again.

Make It a Love Story 


by Sophie Strandfeatured image Hilma Af Klint Adulthood The forest is densely particulate – with mildew, with spores, with mothdust from wing beats, with…

Total LUNAR ECLIPSE. FULL MOON IN Scorpio. May 16th 2022.


Since this is the beginning of the eclipse season, we are to expect an eventful and intense weeks to come. It is important to consciously develop spiritual practice to protect one’s energy and sanity. Do some type of soothing ritual during an eclipse, especially if it affects a planet or point in your chart. Take time for prayer, meditation, and just centering and being silent. The intensity will be great.

Planting My Abortion


by Sophie Strandimage featuring Music Pink and Blue by Georgia O’Keefe Once again, our governments and the Orwellian-speak pro-lifers (who are anything but pro-life),have…