Full Moon of Ancestral Wisdom from Sirius, the Great World Teacher
byby Agni Jnana Yannandafeatured image by Jana Astanov JaDeive, digital collage, 2015 July 3rd, 2023 7:38am, ESTSidereal: Sun at 17°07′ Gemini (Ardra), Moon at 17°07′ Sagittarius…
by Agni Jnana Yannandafeatured image by Jana Astanov JaDeive, digital collage, 2015 July 3rd, 2023 7:38am, ESTSidereal: Sun at 17°07′ Gemini (Ardra), Moon at 17°07′ Sagittarius…
Cancer is the season of steamy surrender, the first licks of High Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The season of hopping fences, stealing kisses and staying out too late. Of salty, sweaty nights, and days that blur together in the sun.
Lust is a cunning weaver of fantasies and fables, an evening star, the fairest of all the stars and they were shackled by it.
“If you forget me, think of our gifts to Aphrodite and all the loveliness that we shared, all the violent tiaras, braided rosebuds, dill and crocus twined around your young neck, myrrh poured on your head and on soft skin and hard thighs, girls with all that they most wished for beside them and touching them and in them while no voices chanted choruses without their own, no woodlot bloomed in spring without song’
‘When men say they’re scared of women they say its because women might laugh at them. When women say they’re afraid of men they say it’s because men might kill them,’ she snarled, her beautiful sexy eyes wide and shiny with vengeance, her mind as ever detailing essential data.
by Agni Jnana YannandaAI illustrations by AstroCREATRIX This year the summer begins on June 21st at 10:58 am when the Sun ingresses into the cardinal…
by Hagar HarpakAI illustrations by AstroCREATRIX What do you think of when you think of Summer? How does it feel in your body? What…
This is the first part of the serialised novella Ebbed Tide by Byzantia Harlowfeatured image of the bioluminescent sea He has let free the…
Where the hand goes, the eyes follow.
Where the eyes go, the mind/heart follows.
Where the mind/heart (awareness) is, expression is created.
Once expression is created, emotion (essence) arises.