Astro Creatrix

Autumn Equinox. Realms of experience.


The Cosmic Portal of the Autumn Equinox is the gateway to manifesting through the energy of leadership. Use the cosmic forces to activate, to motivate, and to move-forward! With Libra we are gathering knowledge and experience about our community and the roles we play to support others.

Pisces Full Moon. Sheaves of grain and Chalice – a healing prayer.


The Piscean Moon opposing the Virgo Sun reminds us that the body (our earthly manifestation, Virgo) must serve the mind but ultimately the mind must serve the spirit (our higher self, Pisces). The evolving planetary culture and the planetary awareness are directing us towards the era of equality and technology or equality through technology…where we all have equal access to the gnosis / data which results in the mastery of self realisation inscribed within a formula “be to be”. The Self knows it all, the self beyond the ego, here to express itself fully.

Virgo New Moon. The Universal Mind.


This New Moon in Virgo calls upon finding material forms for our spiritual, intuitive, and mystical experiences. With the Sun and the Moon in practical, grounded, and deliberate Virgo, we have an opportunity to balance these energies, and encounter resolutions that will help us integrate Spirit with Matter.

New Moon in Leo. August 8th. Cosmic Portal Activation.


The Sun symbolizes our identity, individual destiny, and the power of creative expression, which are the qualities attributed to the sign of Leo: self-expression, self-knowledge, self-realization. The energy of this New Moon directs us towards the deeper psychological and spiritual meaning of the Sun where the conscious and unconscious unify in a person.

FULL MOON OF Nourishment & Fulfillment. NEOVEDIC APPROACH.


During this Full Moon the Moon is in Uttarashada Nakshatra of Capricorn, together with Saturn which is the planetary ruler of this Mansion. This is the Nakshara of victory, where a permanent success has been achieved, so now we learn how to manage our resources, and take responsibility for what we have. It also gives us an opportunity to work for the universal greater good of all beings aligning with the energy of the Sun currently in the constellation of Cancer, in Nakshatra Pushya represented as The Star of Nourishment.

Aquarius Full Moon. Cosmic Activation. July 23-24th 2021.


This Full Moon on the Leo / Aquarius axis creates opportunities to understand the symbols and cycles that govern our civilization. Sun opposition Moon opens up the Aquarian Portal, showing us a glimpse of what is possible if the ego and soul energies resolve the polarity: the individual and the collective, the personal and the universal.