In its Time of Crisis, Women are Stepping Up to Save the Art World

The famous critic Jerry Saltz has expressed his fears that whole sectors of the art industry, in particular the ones composed of low-income artists, gallerists, and writers, might simply be wiped out. Yet, creative professionals are finding new ways to show and display their talents, and this time, it is women who are primarily doing the innovating.

awaiting in stillness

I continuously reflected about the separation from my family and culture, and the idea of not living together—dying apart from each other—they in Spain and me in the States, became central to my work. Instead of putting paint on the canvas, one day I began to cover my body with it.

Cosmic Portals: Jupiter/Pluto in Capricorn. Energetic Wave.

Jupiter, the Great Benefic, conjunct Pluto brings opportunity to align with the highest calling, attuned to the idealistic, selfless expressions of Plutonian energies. Pluto’s immense powers are best expressed as used for the greater good, and not the egotistical self serving results. Keep that in mind, and let the principle of the common good guide your actions.

How to Make Sense of the Pandemic

A famous geneticist once said, “Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution” . Turns out that includes medicine and public health. But it includes a lot more. We are all living through a half dozen Darwinian processes we can see in action, not just time-lapse CGI animations.