ZANIAH, Eta Virginis 9° Virgo 50′ Sidereal
by Agni Jnana Yannanda
featured image: Jana Astanov Cosmic Serpent Journey, performance, 2019
Sidereal: 9° Virgo 50′
Tropical: 4° Libra 02′
The Lunar Eclipse on March 25th 2024 activated Zaniah, a multiple star system also known as Eta Virginis located in the constellation of Virgo. This article was inspired by the energies present at that particular time, highlighting the essence of the stars aligned with the Moon transiting thought the Hasta Nakshatra which is represented by an open hand in a gesture of receiving, as this Moon Mansion grants us our wishes. Here, we have the opportunity to manifest from a place of higher awareness.

Zaniah connects our conscious decisions to the soul level destiny inspiring the flow of action that reflects our deepest longings.
It helps us harmonize our current human incarnation with the soul’s path, in some ways often bringing a wake up call to realign us with what’s truly the best course of action. Through people or circumstances it will force or direct us to readjust our situation so our lives can reflect the most spiritually advanced version of ourselves attuned to the cosmic harmonics.

Present in its eternal consequences
Zaniah’s etheric light infuses our lives with the need to be here and now, live in the current moment, aware of the present in its eternal consequences. Just like with the Equinox we entered the Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, the energy of Zaniah, Sidereal EtaVirgins, Goddess of Harvest, on its oppositional axis calls us to be immersed in the infinity of now, absorbing the awakening of nature as if it was our own. Seeing the uncountable shades of green, with new green, lime, rain wet and saturated, watching the petals of cherry blossoms swirl in the wind to form the infinity loop. Bold colors invisibly emerging from the frozen soil, flowers resurrected, enticing transtemporal love in us. Aren’t we all Lovers of the Spring? Lovers of the Awakening, as if this experience have the power to manifest the time traveling vehicle allowing us to shift our realities in a quantum jump.
Cosmic Dharma, the right way of living
Zaniah reminds us of the foundational ethics of our planet, its dharma, the right way of living that makes life and the Universe possible. All that embodies the ethical choices: duties, rights, laws and virtues come into focus. Are we aligned with our dharma? Are we aligned with our soul’s calling?
Transtemporal Journey of the Soul
People often ask me what’s the main difference between Vedic and Western astrology. Beyond the technical difference of 23 degrees in the positions of the celestial bodies, the esoteric answer to this question is quite simple. The Western astrology defines our current life while the Vedic chart shows our soul’s journey. If you celebrate this Lunar Eclipse as the Full Moon in Libra, this is valid for your current life, if you meditate on it as the Full Moon in Virgo aligned with the star Zaniah, Eta Virgins you will find the guiding voice within, directing you towards what’s right for you, what’s true, what’s beautiful, awe inspiring, and elevating. You may travel in your light body to meet the true reflection of your soul. And the Virgin will assist you in this transtemporal journey.
With Astralove,
Agni Jnana