September 2nd, 2024, 9:56 PM EST
Sidereal: Sun & Moon at 16° Leo 52’, Purva Phalguni Nakshatra
Tropical: Sun & Moon at 11° Virgo 04′
Star: ZOSMA, fixed star, Delta Leonis 16°19′ Leo, Sidereal / 11°20′ Virgo, Tropical
The New Moon on September 2nd marks the beginning of the eclipse season, leading up to the partial Lunar Eclipse conjunct Neptune on September 17th or 18th, depending on your time zone. The major aspect of this lunation is Saturn at 16° Pisces opposing the Sun and Moon at 11° Virgo, with both luminaries aligned with the fixed star Zosma in the constellation of Leo.

With a strong presence of Saturn we are asked to prioritize what’s important and what needs to be released which is also the theme of the upcoming eclipse. Focus on your goals, and ways of executing them in the most effective ways, simplify your environment, declutter, introduce small improvements that matter, reduce to avoid mental overwhelm. Virgo represent discipline, focus and efficiency, use those parameters to determine what can be improved in your life and whether your current projects are still viable.
Saturn opposing this new moon tests your intentions and demands to slow down. Check what’s working and what’s not then act accordingly. Analyze your current situation and start projects that will serve specific goals.
As Virgo represents the union of the mind and body, this is the time to bring in the stillness, step back from daily life to access your situation. Ask yourself what’s essential, what’s your priority and once that’s clear do not worry about anything else. This course of action will help you cope with the energies intensifying leading up to the Lunar Eclipse.
Let’s do not forget that this is particularly eventful week as the retrograde Pluto moved back into Capricorn on Sept 1 and it will remain there until Nov 19, 2024. Also Uranus turned retrograde on Sept 1 and will continue its backward motion until January 20th 2025.

Tuning into the Virgo energies of order and practicality ask yourself what are the daily routines that bring meaning to your life? This question easily relates to the daily routines that are part of your spiritual practice – this New Moon calls upon finding material forms for our spiritual, intuitive, and mystical experiences. With the Sun and the Moon in practical, grounded, and deliberate Virgo, we have an opportunity to balance these energies, and encounter resolutions that will help us integrate Spirit with Matter.
Zosma, Delta Leonis, aligned with the Sun and the Moon in the Constellation of Leo
The meaning of this New Moon expands as it aligns with the fixed star Zosma, Delta Leonis which is a single star located on the back of the Lion in the Leo constellation. The traditional name “Zosma” comes from the Greek word for “girdle.” This star is associated with a conscious effort to live one’s life well, following a path of constructive work while maintaining a positive outlook. Zosma emphasizes self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-improvement to avoid its less desirable qualities, such as a victim mentality or a tendency toward negativity and depression. The energies of Saturn and Venus, both of which are associated with Zosma, enhance the ability to consciously build harmony in one’s life and promote living a good life.

Jnana Yoga & the energies of Zosma
The energies of Zosma encourage mindful observations, which leads me to the association with Jnana Yoga the path of self-knowledge or the yoga of knowledge, a branch of yoga that focuses on attaining wisdom and self-awareness through meditation, contemplation, and self-study.

Vedic, Sidereal, Purva Phalguni
The Moon and the Sun are located at 16° Leo 52’, in Purva Phalguni.

The Moon resides in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra in Leo constellation, which is the 11th Lunar Mansion, spanning from 13°20′ to 26°40′ in the Leo zodiac sign.
This nakshatra is symbolized by the front legs of a bed or a hammock, representing rest, relaxation, and enjoyment. It is ruled by the planet Venus (Shukra), which bestows qualities of love, beauty, creativity, and pleasure. The name Purva Phalguni signifies “fruitful, bursting, producing many kinds of fruits”.
Therefore, this nakshatra denotes brilliant skills in the fine arts and a love of pleasure. The deity associated with Purva Phalguni is Bhaga, the God of Prosperity, who protects marital happiness and bestows family inheritance. Thus you see an artistic prosperity, a love of pleasure and the fertile resources to obtain these desires.
With Astral Love,
Agni Jnana Yannanda
The One Who Speaks With The Stars

Agni Jnana Yannanda, which translates from Sanskrit as Mystic Fire, is an astrologer and an artist originally from Masuria Lake District and currently living in the Shawangunk Mountains.