Time’s Loser of the Year: Elon Musk

Greed is rightly considered the “deadly sin” because it erodes the moral values that encourage us to care for the common good. Greed violates the spirit of connectedness and community that is natural to human survival. It wipes out individual recognition of the needs and concerns of everyone, replacing this awareness with harmful self-centeredness. bell hooks “all about love”

As an immigrant I came to know that the Time’s person of the year doesn’t need to be the hero, but it can also be the villain who made the news in the passing year. It seems that in more recent years, Time magazine’s choice coincides with the person’s Twitter status. Whether it is Trump or Musk, the choice of the darkness means we revere the darkness, and as Trump was the country’s president regardless of his misogyny and racism, Musk became the richest man in the world thanks, in part to the federal subsidization of Tesla, yet in turn he expresses disdain for the idea of paying it back in the form of taxes. It is ironic when you consider that Teslas require roads to drive on – roads that are built by…taxes!  The super rich in America benefit from the capitalist system yet are allergic to taxation. They are beyond the law (or law is below them as in the capitalist superstructure design) and for that reason they are Time’s people of the year, put on the pedestal for their greed and self-centeredness. Following that logic, was Hitler Time’s person of the XX century? I will have to google this one! The immigrant learns more every day about the incongruous cultural mantle they don.

 I read the Time’s interview with Musk, and I do have some edits. 

This is the man who aspires to save our planet and get us a new one to inhabit….” reads the Time’s person of the year article. But it should read:
This is the man who destroyed all his long term relationships, abandoned his wife with 5 young kids for an actress who he married, divorced and married and divorced again, and who managed to make one of the coolest pop stars Grimes uncool, also abandoning her and their one year old child in 2021 – what a great year for family values of the America! This is also the man who in the Time’s interview promotes sexual harassment in the workplace – if that was a joke it was not funny for the many survivors of sexual assault, and in the era of “me too” these kind of jokes are unacceptable.

Wake up America!!!!! The person of the 2021 is a sad, money and fame driven psycho unable to respect women, and incapable of most basic human traits. America, do you really want to call this man your hero? The guy who is a pandemic denialist putting in danger lives of the workers slaving for a paltry $20 per hour because they have no other choice in this rigged unfair system made by the rich and for the rich.

Openly called an asshole by his corporate management, I am certain altruism wasn’t a category on the Time’s lists. “He is a humanist—not in the sense of being a nice person, because he isn’t,” says Robert Zubrin. A humanist? Nope, he is a businessman, not a humanist – I wrote an article on Tesla last October for my art seminar course, a bit of a joke on Marxist theory (while theoretically legit) but I am posting it in case there are students of philosophy who need a template for Marx’s “commodity fetish”, followed up by Barthes’ myth theory focused on Grimes, in full public meltdown and Instagram cry for help – it was an easy A, and a funny take on Grimes’ IG post – I would have more compassion for her if not for her own comparison to Marie Antoinette.

So back to Time’s person of the year 2021…..?!! Musk is openly promoting sexual harassment in the workplace according to the Time interview. 

FYI Elon, if you check with HR, work is the place where people come to do work, to pay their bills; it is not a pool of dating options for the owner of the company. But Musk hasn’t even noticed how dreadful his line was (or did the joke not land? Coz you know, locker jokes!) – in his head he was making love promises to Grimes declaring that there are not too many women to date in his company office and factory!!! There are not too many women to date in the world of engineering, the most sexist sector of the industry that there is, and the playground for Musk and Musk-alike! Yup, Time’s person of the year 2021 got me triggered rocket size. Musk is just one of the assholes in a big pool of power and money lords of the corporate America – he is the quintessence of what society encourages white men to aspire to and the reason why we live in the world which turns women into fetishized objects (actress and musician sweethearts) or pushing them to the unwanted jobs bordering on an unsustainable slave wage, $20 per hour factory work during the onset of the pandemic. Musk “with a net worth of more than $250 billion, the richest private citizen in history” squeezing the life of the workers for his own profit and ambition, is the image of Corporate America. 

One would wonder what went wrong in Musk’s upbringing that he is incapable of forming a happy long lasting relationship. In the Time’s feature we read:  “Musk’s mother was a model and his father was a monster. “He was always different. He was my little genius boy,” his mother, Maye Musk, tells TIME. “From the time he was 3, we used to call him that—Genius Boy.” If little Elon was such a precocious child, why did his mother abandon him and leave him to stay with his monster father (who has a child with his step-daughter – Woody Allen style). Was she forced to do so or was she too focused on posing for the camera to actually spend some time with her “genius boy” and perhaps give him some real unconditional love not only for being smart but just an adorable child?! Mother love goes a long way and can buffer the hardship of an abusive psycho father as long as the mother cares about the emotional wellness of her son not just if he is genius and rich. There is deep wounding and family trauma inscribed into Musk’s ancestral history. If the space race is the only therapy Musk allows himself to undergo, his idea of escaping the planet Earth to settle on Mars may be an inferiority complex disguised as its opposite: the superiority complex. Honestly, if I have a choice I would rather stay on the spaceship Earth than slave on Mars to extract the fuel for the next mission under the management of a little boy whose mom was very pretty but absent. Love is a beautiful concept but not all of us received it when we were children. We all carry some wounding in us but it doesn’t mean we need to escape as far as Mars. Facing our emotional demons can heal us. 

Honestly, Time is blinded by gold and rocket-dick hunger praying to the patriarchal values of no-human-value conquering attitude – as if Me Too hasn’t happened! As it didn’t happen for the corporate rapists of the high profile (Trump shall serve as an example, once upon a time the leader of this Wonderful Nation). Have you noticed there is no mention of any humanitarian causes that Musk supports? How about feeding the hungry children of this country? Perhaps not as high profile as blowing up the rockets?? This is why there is no universal healthcare and education in this country. The rich don’t give a fuck. And the system supports it by honouring their innate evil and self obsession regardless of the social issues America and the rest of the world face.  This is the reason why the Native People of this land are marginalized, and why brown and black people and immigrants are undercut by the rules set up by the patriarchal white male gang. Time’s person of the year 2021. Elon Musk. Nole Ksum Puke. And please flush that Time’s article down the toilet, will you rapist America?