by Gravity, Queen of Love and Hope
I am handling this pandemic by working on my craft. I have been wanting to focus more on learning piano and working on my voice. I was also supposed to start yoga teacher training last month. I started with a minimum of 15 mins a day of piano and yoga and that turned into a daily regime. I tried to do it all in the morning, but I’ve since been able to spread it out during the day and go to it as I feel drawn. I do personal mediation and journaling at least 30 minutes of yoga, at least 30 minutes of reading out loud (right now I am reading The Yoga Tradition and just finished Pussy, A Reclamation) while I use my vocal steamer to wake up my voice. I also do at least an hour of piano. Some of it is super tedious, slow, practice that I was unable to get myself to do prior as well as improvisation, technique, theory and playing my favorite songs. I try to get at least some these things done in the morning so that I can connect with myself before I connect with the rest of the world. I have also started dancing with myself more and really shaking my body loose and opening up my voice. I am really trying to do things that make me happy and feed my soul. I have still been performing. I do live streams of piano, uke and singing. I regularly attend open mics. I turned my bathtub into an ever changing art gallery and play in there. I made a Mermaid PSA with the first song I ever wrote, “One Day At A Time.”
My friends are still producing online events and asked me to be in them. I even led a global sing along with Daybreaker. I rewrote “Part of Your World” To fit the times. I call it “Quarantine World.”
I do dance livestreams with my friends’ music to encourage people to dance! I rereleased a song I wrote that really goes along with what its happening in the world right now, with everybody blaming everyone else. It’s called “Circle of Blame”
I am inspired to keep going, learning, creating and connecting. I can think of no excuse that is good enough not to. I have a song that I am currently working on to that I hope to finish soon. Maybe this will keep me accountable. Be on the lookout!! Stay sane everyone! (Donations appreciated!! Venmo: queenofloveandhope Paypal:
IG : @queenofloveandhope

I am Gravity, Queen of Love and Hope! I am a force to be reckoned with. I’m a City Kitty and Jane of all trades in the arts and in life. My true passion is mewsic and helping people feel all the feels that they did not know they were capable of feeling. I play piano and sing. I am currently working on recording my songs and conceptualizing videos for them. I do modeling of all sorts; figure, nude, bodypaint, underwater, human sculpture, and cosplay. I am the assistant creatrix for Costumegasm. I do public performances and readings, I mermaid, I write, I act, I dance, I cook yummy healthy things and I scoot. I scoot everywhere. It’s good for the booty. Ageless and cageless, I aspire to inspire people to live their dream life! I have turned my life into a work of art and it is quite glorious!!
Featured photo: Gravity, Queen of Love and Hope by B A Van Sise