by Agni Jnana Yannanda
Featured artwork Charlotte Edey
October 17-18th, 2024
Tropical: Sun 24° – 25° Libra
Sidereal: Sun 0° – 1° Libra Nakshatra Chitra
SPICA, Alpha Virginis , 29° Virgo 47’ / 23°50′ Libra Tropical
ARCTURUS, Alpha Boötes 0° Libra 22’, Sidreal / 24° Libra Tropical
Astrology of the Stars
The current lunar cycle with the full moon on October 17th aligned with the two potent stars: Spica in the Virgo Constellation and Arcturus in Bootes. The energy of these stars is most pronounced between October 15th and October 19th.
Virgin’s Diamond aka the Cosmic Womb
Both, Spica and Arcturus, best visible in the Northern Hemisphere during the summer months are part of the Summer Asterism known as VIRGIN’S DIAMOND.
Virgin’s Diamond at its origins is the symbolic depiction of the Cosmic Womb, connecting us to the Feminine Power of life giving and sustenance originating through the Stargate of Spica in the constellation Virgo. Spica forms the base of the diamond asterism, and from there extends its meaning of pure living attuned to nature and cosmic consciousness to ensure the safe birth and ascension of the soul. Nowadays, this asterism is better known as the Great Dimond, encompassing also the energy of the Masculine Power of life protecting and space holding.
The article I wrote in 2022 on Virgin’s Dimond meaning and cosmic lore:
Arcturus, Galactic Spirit-Guide
Arcturus is a star of vision, protection, leadership, and innovation, encouraging those under its influence to seek out new paths and make meaningful contributions to society. It’s potent energy brings both material success and spiritual insight to those who align with its energy.

The significant meaning of Arcturus comes from its placement within the Boötes constellation, north of Virgo. The Herdsman is the Virgin’s consort and protector representing strength, responsibility and spiritual awareness coupled with receptivity and intuition which are the transcendental qualities of the divine masculine principle. Arcturus impels action to ensure a safe environment for conception, birthing, healing and attainment of our evolutionary objectives.
In terms of modern spirituality The Arcturian Stargate represents the highest civilization in the galaxy and strong personal connection to Arcturus (24 Libra Tropical / 29 Virgo- 0 Libra Sidereal) links us to the higher galactic knowledge. Aho!
A few years ago I posted an article on Arcturus, which you can read here:
Nick Fiorenza in his book on astronomical astrology wrote on the relationship of Boötes and Virgo constellations highlighting the Herdsman role in protecting humanity from the corrupt world of totalitarian powers and greed driven corporations.
Boötes stands in opposition to corrupt, totalitarian world powers that have repeatedly failed to ensure humanity’s evolutionary fulfillment, often leading to destruction and catastrophic outcomes. Boötes’ position between Spica (the pure, brightest star of Virgo) and these corrupt forces symbolizes its role in blocking their attempts at manipulation. The stars of Boötes generally inspire a sense of responsibility, urging the necessary actions to create a harmonious environment that supports the healthy evolution and fulfillment of life.

Ancient Protectress Isis-Virgo
Spica is the one of the brightest stars in the night sky, ranking at 15th position after Antares, the heart of Scorpio, and Fomalhaut, the Mouth of the Southern Fish.
Spica holds significant astrological meaning, located in the constellation Virgo, it is associated with abundance, success, and creativity. It is also associated with Virgo’s root chakra, known as muladhara in Sanskrit, and as the first chakra in the body it represents the sense of safety, security and connection to the Earth.
In the ancient Summer she was associated with the Goddess Inanna, in ancient Egypt with Isis, also holding a sheaf of wheat, alternatively portrayed as holding the baby Horus which later became an image of Virgin Mary, holding the infant Jesus. Isis embodied the princles of a Virgin as a pure vessel, and that of a Mother capable of birthing life. She was not a Virgin-Mother, the archetype later associated with the Christianity. Isis-Virgo embodied the capacity to birth a soul in its highest expression, and facilitate souls evolution towards its full potential.
Isis-Virgo embodies the exalted feminine principle, and all facets of this principle encompassing the unconditional caring for all life, including the animal kingdom and the Earth’s ecology.

The Harvest Goddess
In post-Hellenistic world, Spica has been associated with the myth of Ceres (Demeter) and Persephone. In this myth, Ceres, the goddess of agriculture and fertility, experiences grief and renewal in the cycle of the seasons. In this context, Spica symbolizes the harvest and the rewards that come after a period of effort, sacrifice, or transformation.
There is a multitude of meanings related to the star. The best knows archetype of Spica is connected to the Earth Mother and the Harvest Goddess, symbolizing abundance, nurturing, and the cyclical nature of life. It embodies the ability to manifest material and spiritual fruits from hard labor.
Spica also signifies good fortune and protection, creative and intellectual talents, spiritual growth and a gift of healing.
- Good Fortune & Protection: Traditionally, Spica is associated with protection, success, and good fortune. It is considered one of the most benefic fixed stars, often bringing wealth, fame, and honor. It is thought to convey a sense of being “guided” or protected by higher forces.
- Creative & Intellectual Talent: Spica is linked with artistic and intellectual abilities. Individuals with Spica prominent in their charts (such as conjunct the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant) are often blessed with talents in music, writing, or fine arts. It also represents wisdom and learning, often connected to a quest for knowledge and understanding.
- Harvest and Fertility: As Spica is symbolically linked to the ear of wheat in Virgo’s hand, it also represents abundance, fertility, and the rewards of hard work. It highlights the idea of planting seeds and later reaping the rewards. This can manifest in creative, intellectual, or material endeavors.
- Spiritual Growth and Purity: Spica also has a strong association with purity and spiritual development, particularly in its relationship to Virgo. It signifies a dedication to service, refinement, and the quest for perfection, both on a material and spiritual level.
- Healing: In esoteric astrology, Spica can also symbolize healing, both of the body and the soul. It may inspire individuals to engage in healing work or to pursue a path of spiritual wisdom.
Spica as Humanity’s Birthing Channel
In his writings on astronomical astrology, Nick Fiorenza emphasis Spica’s life giving force and her connection to the root chakra. Spica represents the force behind physical birth, ensuring a healthy lineage or bloodline. It carries a constructive, bountiful energy that inspires the expression of one’s greatest potential.
Spica supports the practical application of the Arcturian intent, guiding incarnating souls toward their evolutionary fulfillment with loyalty and fidelity to this higher directive. Associated with purity and perfection, Spica emphasizes the need for inner purity to express the soul’s essence authentically. It inspires learning about the gestation and formation of life and encourages proactive efforts to ensure the continuation and fulfillment of life’s evolutionary journey.
With Astral Love,

Agni Jnana Yannanda
The One Who Speaks With The Stars with the RED GIANT, the Star Arcturus exactly on her Ascendent