November 4th, 2021, 5:15pm EST
Sun & Moon at 14°40′ of Scorpio
With this New Moon on November 4th, at 12 degrees and 40 minutes of Scorpio we are in the middle of the Scorpio season. The Snake is shedding its skin, emotional depths and intensity are on the horizon as this New Moon feeds off the stressful tensions between Uranus and Saturn. We will all feel quite unsettled during this time, and we will have to face the tensions between the reality we created for ourselves (Saturnian structures) and the need for change (Uranian influence).
We are being called to develop critical judgement without being swayed emotionally as the energies are extra high and extremely intense.

Sun & Moon at 14°40′ of Scorpio
The Scorpio Season
First there is the natural intensity of Scorpio, fixed, water sign. The waters it represents are the frozen ones, holding, and preserving. This New Moon can transmute our intentions and see them through realization. Scorpio supports us on the journey of going deeper into the self which also means knowing your shadow side.
During this New Moon we are facing quite a few disruptive and harsh aspects. The New Moon at 12 degrees of Scorpio directly opposes Uranus at 12 degrees of Taurus, and also squares Saturn at 7 degrees of Aquarius. The Moon in Scorpio could spiral down into negativity but Saturn is there to keep it in check, and of course the influence of Uranus may bring something completely unexpected so don’t be too attached to your plans on this day.
New Moon opposition Uranus
The opposition between the Sun / Moon and Uranus makes us hypersensitive and ultra independent. During this time expect emotional instability, and don’t be surprised by a sudden tendency to seek unusual experiences – Uranus likes to keep it weird.
The key phrase for Uranus is “Expect the Unexpected”. Uranus represents breakthroughs, revolutions, thinking outside the box, spark of genius but also madness, revolt, changes, and unreliability. It is a planet that represents The Truth, so be brutally honest with yourself as the Scorpio would expect you to be. It’s the perfect time to look at your The key phrase for Uranus is “Expect the Unexpected”. Uranus represents breakthroughs, revolutions, thinking outside the box, spark of genius but also madness, revolt, changes, and unreliability. It is a planet that represents The Truth, so be brutally honest with yourself as the Scorpio would expect you to be. It’s the perfect time to look at your life and with full honesty change things that no longer serve you, habits, routines, people, places, jobs. Reassess your life and re-imagine alternatives. Allow yourself to dream yourself up. Turn the what ifs to powerful visions or even a vision board for the upcoming year. Do the magician work on your brain, rewire your self image, self talk, any daily habits that block your soul’s growth and step into the quantum reality of manifestation. I am telling y’all! Sink or swim, this is your life I am talking about…
New Moon square Saturn
Another potent aspect of this New Moon is the square to Saturn, and then Saturn / Uranus square which is the aspect that we are experiencing throughout the whole 2021 with the final exact square on December 24th this year.
With New Moon squaring Saturn we may feel lonely and isolated as if we had no one to help or support us wile the work is piling up. It’s important to keep up your stamina to complete important projects despite any emotional drama – with Saturn responsibility wins over emotions.
However, under the Saturnian influence, as long as you set your goals in realistic terms, you can surmount any obstacles that come your way.
Most importantly, avoid any tendency to feel depressed, as it won’t help you tackle your responsibilities. Also, make a conscious effort to rely on your own resources, talents and abilities without expecting anyone to help.
In short, Saturn acts as an apex to the Uranus New Moon opposition. What does it mean? It means that Saturn acts as a catalyst for the tensions that we may experience and it is important to understand the positive and negative expressions of Saturn under the pressure of hard aspects.
Saturnian wisdom
With Saturn it is important to develop critical judgement without being swayed emotionally. Consider all the options before you make any important decision. Saturn introduces limitations, as well as delays. Therefore, our choices are often limited, and either of the options seems favorable. Most importantly, assume the responsibility over your life and decisions you make, and do not let the negative thinking take over your mind.
Talk yourself up, stay focused and positive. If you cannot rely on anyone helping you, you must become your own best accomplice with a clear mind and positive outlook regardless of the situation.
Saturn is always stressing responsibility in different kinds of social interchange. It rules reality, and is responsible for the structures in our lives – on one hand they feel protective on another restrictive!
Saturn / Uranus square
With the Saturn / Uranus square we are recognizing the need to grow beyond our current structures. Through the series of frustrating events or situations we are forced to reassess the reality we created and that leads us to gain impetus to implement changes to our lives so as to better fulfill our need for authenticity and freedom. While Freedom is a word associated with Uranus, Saturn stands for structures and limitations, therefore, the tensions between these two show us how we can continue to grow.
First we must recognise the structures, frustrations and limitations in our lives, then we need to reassess our current situation. We need to deal with all the new information realistically. It’s hard work not wishful thinking that will take you to the next step. You must assume responsibility for the outcome as each of us contributes to its own fate.
Sun opposition Uranus
Sun / Uranus opposition happens only once a year, this year it also falls on the New Moon promising a time of deep energy clearing on personal and collective levels. See where those planets fall in your chart, and which houses are affected as they set the tone to which areas of your life could benefit from this disruptive cosmic flow.
Finally, if you have a point or a planet in your chart placed between 7º and 17º of a Fixed signs (Scorpio, Taurus, Leo or Aquarius), you’ll feel this Moon through the squares or oppositions.
With cosmic blessings,
Agni Jnana Yannanda
The One Who Speaks With The Stars weaving her hymns of unapologetic feminine power.
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