RED TEMPLE is the Imprint of CREATRIX Magazine.
BIRDS OF EQUINOX by Jana Astanov

“Astanov writes with a clutch of wild emotions competing with each other for air – in each line the mood shimmers from rage to hope, from gratitude to vengeance – and after each poem you’re left wondering whether anyone survives. These are the deranged beauties of language barely holding on to syntax. Her Goddess knows full well the harms men do to women. Her poems are sensual, primal whispers, spirit shape-shifters that drip with blood. There’s something of Angela Carter’s weird Hexan women here alongside surreal, Plath-like detonations of spites and charms. This is less music and more tempest, heard through walls on which magik siguls squirm. Frightening.” Richard Marshall

Priestess of Impermanence, JANA ASTANOV is a multidisciplinary artist and a poet. Her work includes photography, poetry, performance, and new media. BIRDS OF EQUINOX is her fifth collection of poetry, beautifully designed by Hannah Woods, with the most spectacular art work by a painter Carrie Ann Baade.
Deer Woman from Birds of Equinox:
Read more about Jana Astanov’s Birds of Equinox:
( ) by Jeremy D. Slater

Review of ( ) poetry collection and a poetic debut of Jeremy D Slater published by Red Temple, Imprint of Creatrix Magazine. Penelope Fate acutely points out: “Slater’s collection begins with the void, but not all is formless and void, as there is very much a form, and the void betrays an ontology, sometimes between parentheses, but most importantly laying a poetic foundation for the rest of the collection. Spare, but necessary. Beautiful and rare.”
“( ) ends with a Buddhist prayer and a catalogue of things in three columns, all of them important, all of them framing the day, and the end. However, this can also herald the beginning of a new age of poetry that breathes and that lets us breathe (and think) and gives us heroes that are weak and full of self-doubt, perhaps true heroes for our age. They don’t wreak mead benches; they write suicide notes to themselves each night and each morning tear them up and then make lists for the new day. “
Read the full review:

JEREMY D. SLATER is an intermedia artist working in the areas of sound, video, computer art, performance, installation, and words. Born in Reading, England and a graduate of both SUNY College at Buffalo and School of Visual Arts with an MFA in Computer Art. Performances include sound and live performed video that is ambient and sometimes interactive/reactive. Video work includes single and multiple channel videos for screening and installations with sound and ephemeral sculpture.He was one of the 1999 recipients of the Computer Art Fellowship from New York Foundation of the Arts (NYFA) and has attended the Experimental Television Residency, was guest musician at Watermill Center and HERE with Cave/Leimay, and was artist in residence at Seoul Art Space_Geumcheon in Seoul, South Korea. He has exhibited and performed in the United States, Canada, England, Germany, France, Italy, South Korea, and Japan.

HYSTERICAL SURREALISM edited by Tony Oats is an anthology of what Penny Fate has termed prosetry. Portions of this collection have appeared elsewhere. The “Turtle Diaries”, by EJ Spode previously appeared in 3:AM Magazine in the context of EJ’s work ‘The Oddity’. A number of contributions to Penny’s poetry slam were also published in 3am. For that matter, my own poem “frozen ropes” also appeared previously in 3am Magazine. “Burn”, by Tanya Zeifer previously appeared in Creatrix Magazine.
Review of Hysterical Surrealism by Richard Marshall : “Fragments, ephemera, the nonliterary, unintentional scripture brut make a thick spaghetti micro-poetics. The sacred here is served up as a shrewd and cunning lampoon that immediately turns into a wheel preventing backwards motion and insisting we go onwards. It’s a horse trick giving us a new line of sight via a noon, longitudinal circle circumscribing the world. I’ve heard it said that contemporary Mexican poetry is rather over-dependent on craft and balance at the expense of spontaneity and experimentation. Paz, Lopez Velarde and Sor Juana are influential in this state of affairs. However true this might be of many, there are exceptions. Natalia Toledo in Oaxaca writes in Zapotec and sees the world on the brink of extinction and this new fresh breed seems what Spode and his gang are absorbing.”
We burn! by Tanya Zeifer from Hysterical Surrealism poetry collection: