The Great Conjunction Reading



Length: 1h session

The exact Saturn-Jupiter conjunction took place on December 21st at 1:30 pm EST, however, it’s potency is in effect throughout the month of January, so whatever you are focused on manifesting will be supported by these planetary alignments and will benefit you in the years to come.

What to expect from the Jupiter / Saturn conjunction?

The energies of Jupiter, The Philosopher and the Adventurer are idealistic and future oriented, Jupiter expands whatever it touches, while Saturn the Builder and the Achiever, always offers reality check. These two together allow you to ground your ambitions in realistic ways. Saturn can help you build the structures and foundations, and Jupiter will support this process encouraging you to plan and dream big.

During the reading  we will talk about the areas of life that are being affected by the Great Conjunction, and we will analyze your entire chart in relation to the current passage of Jupiter and Saturn so as to help you maximize the cosmic energies in order to make the most of this Cosmic Energy wave.

To learn more about the Great Conjunction, please read my article from the series on Cosmic Portals: